Sociology CSS Paper 2004
Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including QUESTION NO-8. Which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry EQUAL marks. Write clearly.
- Write clearly. What major Contributions did Karl Marx and Ibn-i-Khaldun make to our understanding of the social experience?
- Why is culture indispensable to human society and what part do norms and values play in social life?
- Define social institution and how can religion hold in check the explosive social tensions produced by inequality and injustice.
- How you can define poverty and what strategies the Government of Pakistan has adopted to alleviate poverty and also discuss the role of NGO’s to address the issue of poverty.
- What are the social effects of deviance and do Crime-fighting programmes including imprisonment work in Pakistan.
- Why is research essential to the scientific enterprise and what are the principal theoretical methods available to Sociologists in the study of social life? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each.
- Write short notes on the following: (a) Future of Cities in Pakistan (b) Implications of population growth (c)Ethnocentrisms (d)probability and Non-probability Sampling.
- Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) Man is a social animal, who said: (a) Aristotle (b) Ibn-i-Khaldun (e) Max Weber (d) AI-Ghazali (e) None of these
(2) Who has written the book “Das Kapital”. (a) Lewis Morgan (b) Max Weber (c) Karl Marx (d) August Comte (e) None of these
(3) Who mainly presented the idea of Social Conflict: < (a) Herbert Spencer(b) Emile Durkheim (c) Karl Marx (d) Talcott Parsons (e) None of these
(4) Who advocated the philosophical approach called idealism for understanding society: (a) August Comte (b) Max Weber (c) George Simmel (d) Robert Park (e) None of these
(5) Who is really the founder of Sociology:
(a) Imam Ghazali (b) Ibh-i-Khaldun (c) Parsons (d) Wright Mills (e) None of these
(6) In the division of labour in the society which one of two types of solidarity identified by Durkheim:
(a) Mechanical and Organic Solidarity
(b) Mechanical and Physical Solidarity
(c) Physical and Spiritual Solidarity
(d) Physical and Organic Solidarity
(e) None of these
(7) Who mainly advocated that “the economic structure of the society is the real foundation of the society”: (a) Karl Marx (b) Charles Coaley (c) Robert Merton (d) August Comte (e) None of these
(8) Which one is first step of knowledge: (a) Theory (b) Law
(c) Assumption (d) Intuitive (e) None of these
(9) Concept of Co-variation means:
(a) When two variables vary together
(b) Remain Unchanged
(c) One variable changes, other remains unchanged
(d) None of these
(10) Age is a:
(a) Nominal variable (b) Ordinal variable (c) Interval (d) Ratio (e) None of these
(11) Stratified Random Sampling technique is a:
(a) Probability Sampling technique
(b) Non-probability
(c) None of these
(12) Polyandry means:
(a) A form of marriage that joins one female with more than one male.
(b) A form of marriage that joins one female with one male.
(c) A form of marriage that joins more than one female with one male
(d) None of these
(13) Which one is a basic institution for socialization of children:
(a) School (b) Religion (c) Family (d) Community (e) None of these
(14) Population change is mainly based on:
(a) Fertility and Mortality
(b) Fertility and migration
(c) Mortality and migration
(d) Fertility, Mortality and migration
(e) None of these
(15) The infant mortality level in Pakistan is around: (a) 10 (b) 25 (c) 60 (d) 160 (e) None of these
(16) Demography is a scientific study of human population with respect to: (a) Size of population (b) Structure of population (c) Composition of population (d) Size, structure and composition of population (e) None of these
(17) Dispersion and Variation can be examined through calculating: (a) Mean (b) Standard deviation (c) Correlation Co-efficient (d) Regression Co-efficient (e) None of these
(18) How many people in Pakistan are living below .poverty line, around: (a) 10 percent (b) . 20 percent (c) 32 percent (d) 58 percent (e) None of these 4
(19) Norms and values are components of: (a) Society (b) Religion