Sociology CSS Syllabus Suggested Readings

S.No. Title Author
1. Sociology: A down to earth approach James M. Henslin
2. Method of Social Research Baily
3. Poverty Curtains Dr. Mehboob-ul-haq
4. Contemporary Sociological Theories Pitrim Sorokin
5. Master of Sociological Thought Lewis A.Coser
6. Sociology Ogbum & Nimkoff
7. Social Change and History Robert Nisbet
8. Feudal System in Pakistan Nawab Haider Naqvi
9. The Sociology of Rural Life Lynn Smith, T.
10. Sociology-Social Structure and Social Conflict Kerbo, Harold R. (1989).
11. Sociology: An Introduction to the Science of Society Koening Samuel
12. Marriage and The Family Lee, Alfred Mclung, Elizabeth Briant (1961).
13. The Design of Social Research Ackoff, Russel, L. (Latest ed.)
14. An Introduction to the History of Sociology Barnes, H.E. (Ed.) (1966)
15. Pakistani Society Akbar Ahmad, S.
16. Sociology,10th edition John, J. Macionis. 2004.
17. Research Methodology Neuman, Lawrance (Rvs. Ed.)
18. Sociological Theory Ritzer, Georg, (1988).


