Total Marks – 200
Paper II
Marks – 100
The candidates will be required to attempt at least one question from each part
Table of Contents
Part A
Cell biology: Morphology, chemical composition and functions of nucleus, nuclear inclusion and cytoplasmic organelles, protein synthesis and molecular genetics, mechanism of mitosis and meiosis
Part B
General physiology: Respiration, respiratory mechanism, respiratory pigments, transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide, circulation. Haemodynamics, control of cardio vascular system, nutrition, modes of nutrition, digestion and assimilation of food stuff. Excretion – nature and sources of substance excreted, modes of excretions, nervous system, nerve impulses, hormones and their biological action
Part C
Genetics: Mendelian principles, multiple alleles, interaction of genes – linkages and crossing over, mapping of genes, sex determination and sex linkages, mutations, chromosomal aberrations, gene concept
Part D
Evolution: Origin of life, organic diversity, theories to account for organic diversity, Phylogeny and ontogeny, species concept, mechanism of evolution, modern concept of natural selection, evolutionary trends
Part E
Ecology: Concept of Ecosystem, biochemical cycles, animal adaptations to major habitats, environmental pollution and its effect on life.
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