Zoology Punjab PMS Paper II Syllabus

PAPER -II Total Marks: 100

General Zoology


Cell Biology:

Generalized Structure of Prokayotic and Eukaryotic Cell, Morphology, chemical composition and Functions of cellular organelles, Enzymes Catalysis, Regulation & Inhibition, Metabolic Pathways,Glycolysis, Kreb cycle and Electrons Transport chain. Nucleic acid, Mechanism of Protein synthesis, Transcription and Translation, Mitosis, Meiosis.


General Physiology:

Excretion and Homeostasis, osmoregulation, vertebrate nephrone as osmoregulatory organ, Thermoregulation in Animals, Movements and Muscle, ultra structure of Muscle fibril, mechanism of contraction, Physiological anatomy of digestive Tract, Potential and movement in Gastrointestinal Tract, Respiration, Respiratory Mechanism, Respiratory Pigments, Transport of O2 and Co2; cardiovascular Mechanism, electrical activity of Heart, Blood Pressure, Coordination in animals, Nervous coordination and chemical coordination, Nervous system, nerve Impulses, Harmones and their Biological action. Mechanism of Active membrane Potential and Resting membrane Potential,


Genetics: Mendelian Principles, Multiple alleles, Interaction of genes, Linkage and crossing over, maping of genes, Sex-determination and Sex-linkage, Mutations, gene concept, Chromosomal aberrations, DNA as a genetic material, genetic Code, DNA Recombinant Technology, Application of genetic Engineering, Transgenic animals.

Section -D

Evolution: Theories of origin of Life, Biochemical origin of life, Lamarckism, Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism, Hardy Weinberg Principle, Mutation Pressure, Selection Pressure, Genetic drift species concept, Mechanism of evolution, modern concept of Natural Selection, Adaptive radiation.



Concept of Ecosystem. Biogeochemical cycle, Animal adaptation to major Habitats, Energy flow in the Ecosystem, Food chain, Food web, Productivity of Ecosystem Environmental Pollution, Water Pollution and Lamo Pollution.


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  33. Moody, P.A., Introduction to Evolution. Harper and Row.
