Significance of Public Administration

John McDonald Pfiffner wrote, “Public administration consists of getting the work of the government done by coordinating the efforts of the people so that they can work together to accomplish their set tasks … managing, directing and supervising the activities of thousands, even millions of workers so that some order and efficiency may result from their efforts.”

No state can exist without a well organized PA. All domains/spheres of a state remain under the supervision and control of PA. PA is a permanent force and an integral part of the social, cultural, political, and economic life of a nation.

The centuries old notion of the police state has completely lost its relevance. The modern state has taken the role of national development and social change.

With the changes in the roles of modern states, the functions, orientation, and purpose of PA have also been completely redefined.

The complex nature of society and the expansion of activities of the modern state has increased its significance. Today it has become an integral part of civilized society and a part of our life in modern society.

PA is a basis of the government: Public administration is the pillar and backbone that supports the people and the Government. No Government can function effectively and efficiently without the existence of the public administration. PA is crucial for making things happen in government. Without PA, a government can’t do anything else. PA is the link with society and the political system shows its significance.

The daily lives of the ordinary people of a country are heavily influenced by the PA. People receive the service of PA in almost every walk of life. People are customers of the public goods and services of the government provided under the jurisdiction of PA.

As a permanent executive, it is oriented to addressing the will of the people and wishes and aspiration of society on behalf of government. Thus, PA has become a most essential element/aspect in the contemporary society.

Translating public policies into action/ implementing laws and policies: Legislature and political executive may pass all laws and policies they wish. But unless they are administered effectively by PA/bureaucracy nothing will actually happen. Policy/law without implementation is meaningless.

Helping political leadership or policymakers for making policy decisions: Policymakers and politicians/legislatures make policy decisions with the help of administrators. Administrators provide their expertise, experiences, information, and resources to policymakers while designing policies.

Promoting 3Es (effectiveness, efficiency, and economy) of government and the public sector: PA plays crucial role in promoting the performance of the government to achieve its desired goals and fulfilling the needs and expectations of the people.

Delivering public programs, goods, and services to citizens (Service delivery): -Delivers programs adopted by the government to fulfill the needs of the people. It touches upon all aspects of the life of individuals. Provides services for an individual (from birth to death). All citizens/people are benefited from state services.

Public Safety: PA enforces law and policy and maintains law and order in a society. The survival of human beings in society depends on the maintenance of law and order in society.

Essential for the development of Civilization: Public administration helps to address issues. This includes sustenance of economic growth, promotion of social development, and facilitating infrastructure development. They also protect the environment to maintain and public-private partnerships among other technologically advanced nations of the World.

Promoting human welfare; Economic and social development and social change: PA in a modern and complex society is concerned with the activities of promoting the human welfare of the people. All welfare activities and essential services are provided by organizations and agencies managed by the public administration. It acts as an instrument/mechanism of development, social change, especially in developing countries. Because of limited resources government interfere with all social life in developing countries. It is equipped to perform multiple tasks of development.

Community Development: Community development has long been within the purview of local governments, planning boards, businesses, and civic groups, but public administration also has a role to play. Communities are developed through a network of stakeholders—residents, business owners, developers, and so on—each with different needs and goals.

Sustainability: Sustainable development is the process of meeting society’s current needs without compromising future generations’ ability to do the same; this means promoting economic development that does not deplete natural resources. As part of this effort, public administrators oversee the stewardship of lands, urban infrastructures, healthcare delivery methods, and many other complicated systems, ensuring their efficiency and stability.

Environmental Management: Public administrators are tasked with protecting the interests of the average citizen, and as the population has become increasingly concerned with the harmful effects of climate change, public administrators have begun orchestrating policies related to environmental management.

Leadership: The public administrator’s role in leadership—especially governmental and political leadership—is expanding rapidly. U.S. constitutional scholar John Rohr has argued that though society could exist without a legislature or judiciary, it could never survive without public administration. The daily functions of government are performed by the public administrators who organize, implement, and oversee the enforcing agencies that administer the laws and regulations that keep public life in motion.

Crisis Management: Though government leaders and public administrators would prefer to avoid crises entirely, they must possess the ability to predict and plan for potential catastrophes in the event that they come to fruition. In the midst of a crisis, efficiency and accountability can mean the difference between life and death for thousands of people.

PA is a stabilizing force in society: Even though government changes, violent change is seldom experienced in administration. This is often due to an element of continuity established in the operation of the public administration. Thus, there is no disorderliness or sense of confusion whenever a new government exists.

PA as a study of Discipline: It is very obvious that public administration plays a very major role in individual lives and societal development. Hence, it is a matter that should not be taken for granted. Thorough research on its working system and procedure should be carried out. It is this study that would bring about vast knowledge and thereafter, a major breakthrough in a country.
