European History KP PMS Paper I 2016


Competitive Examination for the Posts of PMC, 2016

European History, Paper I

Time Allowed 03 Hours Max: Marks 100

Note: Attempt any five questions! All questions carry equal marks

Q.1. Discuss in detail the philosophy of “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity that motivated French people to revolt against Monarchial powers in 1789. (20 Marks)

Q.2. Elaborate the main features of German foreign policy from 1890 to 1914 as contender of Great Britain. (20 Marks)

Q.3. Discuss the role of BISMARK as Architect of German under Prussia. (20 Marks)

Q.4. Discuss the role of England in catastrophe of Napoleonic powers. (20 Marks)

Q.5. Give a detailed account of French colonial Policy and French Overseas Empire in America, Asia and West Africa? (20 Marks)

Q.6. Describe the main features of Victorian domestic and foreign policies. (20 Marks)

Q.7. What is meant by Concert of Europe! Give the details of principle, provided for the peaceful settlement of disputes between European powers. (20 Marks)