European History KP PMS Paper II 2016


Competitive Examination for the Posts of PMC, 2016

European History, Paper II

Time Allowed 03 Hours Max: Marks 100

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1. Elaborate in detail the BOLSHEVIK Revolution in Tsarist Russia and role of Lenin as a revolutionary leader. (20 Marks)

Q.2. What was MARCHAL PLAN and it role in reconstruction of Europe after Second World War? (20 Marks)

Q.3. Discuss the factors that led to disintegration of overseas Colonial Empire of England in Africa! (20 Marks)

Q.4. Give a detailed account of Vietnam Crisis and how United States involved in Indochina? (20 Marks)

Q.6. Discuss in detail the YALTA and POTSDAM conferences and division of Europe in East and West! (20 Marks)

Q.7. Describe the factors that led to creation of NATO and WARSAW Pacts. (20 Marks)

Q.8. Discuss in detail the mechanism that UN has devised to prevent war and peacekeeping! (20 Marks)