Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including QUESTION NO-8. Which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry EQUAL marks. Write clearly.
- What are different theories about origin of society? Discuss them in detail.
- In your opinion what are the advantages of socialisation? Is Socialisation process applicable to the adults? Discuss it.
3.Differentiate between Primary and Secondary Groups, and discuss the character of Primary Relations? - Define the terms Race and Racism. Discuss the causes responsible for Race Prejudices, and how these can be eradicated?
- Define status. Discuss the factors which decide status of an individual in society.
- Discuss the importance of social research for the study of Sociology. Explain the steps to be taken in social Research Process.
- Write short Notes on the following:- (a) Factions and Feuds (b) Parole System in Pakistan
- Write only the correct answer in the Answer Rook. Do not reproduce the question.
(1) Who has given the “Deterministic or Single Factor Theory” about social change: (a) Emilc Durkheim (b) Talcott Parsons (c) Karl Marx (d) August Comtc (e) Herbert Spenser (f) None of these
(2) Who has defined Social Selection Saying “Social Selection as a process of creating conditions for survival”: (a) Lewis Morgan (b) Karl Marx (c) Herbert Spencer (d) Maclever (e) None of these
(3) “Crime is learned in Associations”. Who said this: (a) Paul H. Norton (b) Edwin Sutherland (c) Wright Mills (d) George Simmcl (e) None of these
(4) Who has Jinked the theory of social change with Organism: (a) Karl Marx (b) August Comte (c) Herbert Spencer (d) Talcott Parsons (e) KmilcDurkhcim (f) None of these
(5) Who define Crime as “an anti social Hchaviour”: (a) Klliot and Merril (b) Gillin and Gillin (c) Karl Marx (d) Karl Mannheim (e) None of these
(6) Which one is the first step in social Research: (a) Questionairc (b) Assumption (c) Literature Review (d) Survey (c) Data collection
(7) Strataficd Random sampling technique is a: (a) Probability sampling (b) Non-Probability sample (c) None of these
(8) Who is the founder of “Theory of Class Consciousness”: (a) Mannheim (b) Karl Marx (c) Al-Ghazali (d) Edwin Sutherland (e) August Comte (!) None of these
(9) Honour Killing is killing a person in name of: (a) Money (b) Property (c) Respect (d) None of these
(10) Polyandry is fraternal when: (a) Woman is treated as the wife of all brothers in the family and should live in one place. (b) Woman is supposed lo have more I nan one husband, but it is not essential that they should either be brothers or must live at the same place.
(11) Population change is mainly based on: (a) Fertility and Mortality (b) Mortality and Migration (c) Fertility and Migration (d) Fertility, Mortality and Migration (e) None of these
(12) Which Theory makes us understand that “group mind” and “individual mind” are different from each other:
(a) Multiple factor theory (b) Me Dougalls Theory (c) Trotters Theory (d) Freudian Theory (e) None of these
(13) Who said, “Custom intact is not merely prevailing habit, but also a rule or norm of action”: (a) Maclever (b) Aristotle (c) Ginsberg (d) Karl Marx (e) None of these
(14) The term “Social Evolution” find its origin from the —– word “Evolvere” meaning to develop: (a) Greek (b) Latin (c) French (d) Italian (e) German (I) None of these
(15) Who said, “Sociology should relinquish every attempt at discovering origins and forms of evolution”:
(a) Aristotle (b) Karl Marx (e) Emile Durkheim (d) Claude Levi Strauses (e) Herbert Spenser (f) None of these
(16) Who is the founder of Sociology: (a) Imam Ghazali (b) Parsons (e) Ibn-i-khaldun (d) Wright Mills (e) None of these
(17) What percentage of people in Pakistan are living below poverty line: (a) 10 percent (b) 20 percent (c) 12 percent (d) 40 percent (e) 58 percent (f) None of these
(18) Female population rate in Pakistan: (a) Forty percent (b) Forty-two percent (c) Forty-five percent (d) Forty-eight percent (c) Fifty-one percent (f) None of these
(19) What is the definition of a literate person: (a) A person who can read (b) A perse who can read and write (e) None of these
(20) Family headed by a make member is called: (a) Patri local (b) Conjugal (c) Extended (d) Patrilineal (e) Patronymic (I) None of these