Public Administration CSS Paper 2005

NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including QUESTION NO.8, which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry EQUAL marks.

1. In a democratic state, government is said to be the WILL of the people in action. This concept has widened the scope of Public Administration. What should be the new role of public administrator, as per expectations of the people?

2. In democracy, political neutrality of civil servants is only a normative value. They have to endorse and follow the policies of the ruling party as they can not afford to act otherwise. Discuss and suggest remedies.

3. Briefly explain the characteristics of bureaucracy as indicated by Max Weber. Critically examine, whether these characteristics are relevant to modern times and should be maintained?

4. What are various methods of legislative control over executive in Pakistan? Why these controls are not so effective and taken lightly by the bureaucracy?

5. Public Corporations are created because government departments are not conducive to initiative and flexibility required in modern times. Discuss as to what extent these objectives have been achieved by public corporations in Pakistan. Give examples, where possible.

6.Briefly discuss the role of various agencies of fiscal management in the government of Pakistan. What are the benefits of Financial Advisors Scheme introduced in the Federal Ministries?

7.Write short notes on any Four of the following:-

(a) Taylor’s Scientific Management (b)Elton Mayo’s Hawthorn Experiments (c) Management by Objectives (MBO) (d) Administrative Law (e) E – Government (f) Ombudsman


Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.

(1) In an organization, if uniformity of standards and policies is maintained and the head provides direction to all activities, then it is sign of:
(a) Efficiency (b) Decentralization (c) Centralizations (d) Effective Coordination (e) “None of these

(2) Span of Control Means:
(a) Power to control an enterprise (b) Duration of executive control
(c) Number of subordinates under a superior’s direct control
(d) Overall control of an organization (e) None of these

(3) Public corporations have been created with the objective of:
(a) Increased profits (b) Handling large scale projects
(c) Creating various job opportunities
(d) Operational flexibility and autonomy (e) None of these

(4) In United State the practice of making appointments in public services on the basis of political affiliation and personal relationship is known as:
(a) Party Privilege (b) Spoils System (c) Fitness Principle (d) Discretion System (e) None of these

(5) In some countries office of the Procurator General, has been created to:
(a) Ensure the working of government departments according to rules and regulations.
(b) Provide legal support to administrative bodies.
(c) Assess the training needs of government departments.
(d) Advocate cases on behalf of the government in the court of law.
(e) None of these.

(6) Rcole National d’ Administration of France acts as:
(a) A consulting organization to improve administration.
(b) An institution of higher learning (c) A recruiting-cum-training agency. (d) A public complaint office (c) None of these

(7) The necessary purpose of financial audit should be to focus on:
(a) Whether the expenditure was incurred for right purpose.
(b) Whether the expenditure had the approval of the top management.
(c) Whether the expenditure was in accordance with rules and procedures.
(d) Whether the expenditure was made on proper time.
(e) None of these.

8-fiscal deficit in government budget can be reduced by:
(a) Improving the productivity of the departments.
(b) Closing down some of the expensive projects.
(c) Banning the recreational activities.
(cl) Rationalizing expenditure for economy.
(e) None of these.

9-In the Maslovv’s hierarchy of needs, the middle level needs have been categorized as:
(a.) Self fulfillment needs (b) Survival needs (c) Security needs
(cl) Egoistic needs (e) None of these
10-Motivation is the function of intrinsic factors such as appreciation, recognition etc. who
gave this theory?
(a)Victor Veroom Herbert Simon
(b) Fredrick Hcrzberg (c) David Me Clelland
(c) None of these

11-One of the following is not the function of the Cabinet Division of the Federal Government:
(a) Preparation of the agenda for Cabinet meeting.
(b) Recording Ihe decisions of (he Cabinet.
(c) Follow up ‘of the implementation of Cabinet decisions.
(d) Provision of staff to Cabinet members.
(e) None of these.

(12) Which of the following is categorized as a strategic decision:
(a) An officer approving the application for driving license.
(b) An executive ordering the transfer of an employee in another department.
(c) A head of the department approving a financial sanction.
(d) A committee approving a new rule to meet the future public requirements.
(e) None of these.

(13) A budget is essentially a statement of:
(a) Identification of targets to be achieved.
(b) Surplus or deficit of the previous budget.
(c) Estimated revenue and expenditure over a period of time.
(d) Allocation of funds in various heads of expenditure.
(e) None of these.

14-The categorization of functions with reference to their direct or indirect concern with the achievement of organizational goals is called as:
(a) Primary and Secondary functions (b) Line and Staff functions
(c) Major and Minor functions (d) Central and Peripheral functions
(e) None of these
Who wrote the famous book “Research on the Bureaucracy in Pakistan”:
(a) Muneer Ahmad (b) Brian Chapman (c) Inayatullah
(d) Ralph Braibanti (e) None of these

16-Administrative Reforms-have been a consistent effort in Pakistan since independence.
The first Re-organization Committee was constituted in 1947. Who headed the Committee?
(a) Justice Muhammad Muneer (b) Sir Victor Turner
(c) Akhtar Hussain (d) Rowland Eggar (fl*)” None of these

17-In the Constitution of Pakistan, the subjects for legislation have been divided into: (a) Two Lists (b) Three Lists (c) Four Lists (cl) Five Lists (e) None of these

18-One of (he most significant achievement of the Ford Foundation’s technical assistance to Pakistan in I960, was the establishment of:
(a) Pakistan Administrative Staff College, Lahore.
(b) National Institute of Public Administration Karachi.
(c) Secretariat Training Institute, Islamabad, (c) National Defence College, Rawalpindi, (f) None of these.

19-The introduction of the Section Officers Scheme in the Central (Federal) Secretariat in 1961, was made on the recommendation contained in:
(a) Farooqi Report (b) Cornelius Report (c) Shoib Report (cl) G. Ahmed Report (e) None of these

20-“Leaders are born and not made” is perception based on:
(a) Contingency Theory of leadership (b) Trait Theory of Leadership (c) Fiedler’s Model of Leadership (d) Situational Leadership (e) None of these