International Relations CSS Paper 2006


Q.1. Explain, with examples, the main principles of the NEO-REALIST SCHOOL OF THOUGHT in International Relations. How does Neo-Realism differ from Classical Realism?

Q.2. Explain, with examples, the main principles of the NEO-LIBERAL SCHOOL OF THOUGHT in International Relations. How does Neo-Liberalism differ from Classical Liberalism/Idealism?

Q.3. What are the main problems in defining „terrorism‟? Also narrate the implications of the “War on Terrorism” for International Law.

Q.4. Explain the impact of India-Pakistan nuclearisation on strategic stability in South Asia.

Q.5. How does domestic politics influence foreign policy decision making? Explain with reference to Pakistan‟s policy towards India.

Q.6. write a critical analysis of the theory of „Clash of Civilizations‟. What are the prospects of a dialogue among Civilizations?

Q.7. What are the principal challenges and potential opportunities for economic liberalization and democratization in the Muslim world?


Q.8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question.

(1) An organization whose members are from national governments is a:

(a) Nongovernmental Organization (NGO)
(b) Intergovernmental Organization (IGO)
(c) World wide Transnational Organization (WTO)
(d) Non of these

(2) “The national interest is defined as the acquisition of power”. The speaker is a:

(a) Pluralist (b) idealist (c) structuralist (d) None of these

(3) Neoliberals:

(a) stress the importance of international institutions in reducing conflict in the international system.
(b) are pessimistic above international operations.
(c) agree with realists that are unitary actors.
(d) both (a) and (c)
(e) Non of these

(4) The military industrial complex consists of:

(a) the military, defense contractors and research institutes.
(b) the military, defense contractors, and the executive branch.
(c) the army, the navy, and the air-force.
(d) None of these.

(5) Territorial waters traditionally are recognized to extend how far from a state‟s coastline?

(a) 3 miles (b) 10 miles (c) 12 miles (d) Non of these

(6) A state‟s executive economic zone (EEZ) is recognized to extend how far from the coastline?

(a) 3 miles (b) 10 miles (c) 12 miles (d) Non of these

(7) States can exclude others from entering which the following?

(a) 12 miles limit from coastline (b) airspace (c) orbital space
(d) Both (a) and (b) (e) None of these (8) Weapons of mass destruction include:
(a) nuclear, chemical and biological weapons
(b) nuclear, conventional and biological weapons
(c) chemical, ballistic and biological weapons
(d) None of these

(9) Strategic weapons are:

(a) short-range weapons (b) intermediate range of weapons (c) long-range weapons (d) Non of these

(10) The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) attempts to prevent:

(a) the spread of missile technology (b) the spread of missile weapons (c) the spread of biological weapons (d) Non of these

(11) Which of the following is a principle stated in the UN Charter?

(a) states are equal under international law
(b) states have full sovereignty over their own affairs
(c) states should have full independence and territorial integrity
(d) all of above (e) None of these

(12) A just war:

(a) can be waged to change another state‟s government, if it is violating human rights.
(b) can be waged for ethnic or religious reasons
(c) can be waged only in response to aggression
(d) none of these

(13) “Sustainable” economic development means:

(a) development that can be sustained over a period of decades
(b) development that is supported by the domestic economy and does not involve international trade.
(c) development that does not deplete resources and destroy ecosystems so quickly that the basis of development itself is undermined.
(d) None of these

(14) Which of the following is the greenhouse gas that accounts for most of the global warming?

(a) carbon dioxide (b) methane (c) chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) (d) non of these

(15) Which of the following is the major contributor to the destruction of the ozone layer?

(a) carbon dioxide (b) methane (c) chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) (d) non of these

(16) Privatization is:

(a) the concentration of wealth in private hands.
(b) the sale of state-owned industries
(c) a key feature of socialism
(d) None of these

(17) Neocolonialism is:

(a) the transfer of a colony from one colonial power to another
(b) the new round of colonization of Africa after Latin America gained independence
(c) colonization which took place in the nineteenth century rather than eighteenth (d) None of these

(18) Who is responsible for the economic reforms that have been take place in China since the mid- 1970s?

(a) Mao Zedong (b) Jiang Zemin (c) Deng Xiaoping (d) None of these

(19) Ante-governmental protests in China by students, workers, and some government officials took place:

(a) Tiananmen Square, in 1989 (b) Tiananmen Square, in 1992
(c) Shenzhen, in 1989 (d) None of these

(20) A nation is:

(a) territorial entity controlled by a government and inhabitant by a population (b) group of people who share characteristics such as language and culture (c) set of relationships among the world‟s states. (d) None of these
