Geography KP PMS Paper I Syllabus

Total Marks – 200

Paper I

Physical and General Geography
Marks – 100

1. Elements of weather and climate: Insulation and Atmospheric Temperature, Global Radiation and Heat Balance, Atmospheric Pressure and winds, Humidity And Precipitation, Air Masses, fronts and atmospheric disturbances, classification of climate and climatic regions

2. Landforms: Major landforms, Rocks – origin, formation and classification. Internal structure of the Earth, earthquakes and volcancity, weathering, mass wasting, erosion and deposition, cycle of erosion, landforms produced by underground and ground water, wind and glacier

3. Oceans: Continental margins and the sea floor, Distribution of Temperature and Salinity. Movements of ocean water – waves, currents and tides

4. Study of maps: Types of maps – topographical maps, aerial photographs, weather maps. Map projections – classification and choice of projections, merits and demerits of cylindrical, conical and zenithal projections, diagrams, graphs and distribution maps based on statistical data
