Category: Syllabus Geography

Geography Punjab PMS Paper II Syllabus Recommended Books

PAPER-II Total Marks: 100 HUMAN, ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY HUMAN GEOGRAPHY BOOKS: Rowntree, L. et. Al(2004) “Globalization and Diversity: Geography of a Changing World” New York; Prentice Hall. Neuwirth, R. (2004) “Shadow Cities: A Billion Squatters, A New Urban World”, London Routledge. Harper, H.L. (2003) “Environment and Society: Human Perspectives on Environmental Issues” (3rd Edition) […]

Geography Punjab PMS Paper I Syllabus Recommended Books

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: Strahler, A.N. (2004) “Modern Physical Geography” New York: John Wiley. Gabbler, R.E, Sager, R.J and Wise, D.L (1997) “Essentials of Physical Geography” Fourth Edition. Saunders College Publishing, New York. Scott, R.C. (1996) “ Introduction to physical geography” West Publishing Co., New York. Miller, G.T. (1996) “Living in the Environment, Principles, Connections and solutions”, […]

Geography Balochistan PCS Syllabus

Total Marks 150   GEOGRAPHY General and political Geography of the world. A Special knowledge of the geography of Pakistan, India and adjoining countries will be expected, contours and elementary principles of Land Surveying questions on Physical and Economic geography may be set 9,208 Views

Geography Sindh PCS Syllabus

Geography Total Marks 150 General and Political geography of the World. A special knowledge of the Geography of Pakistan., India and adjoining countries will be expected. Contours and Elementary Principle of land Surveying Questions of Physical and Economic Geography may be set. 3,460 Views

Geography KP PMS Paper II Syllabus

Geography Total Marks – 200 Paper II Human, Economic and Regional Geography Marks – 100 Human Geography: Man and his habitat – concepts of environmentalism and possibilism, world population distribution, structure and growth (natural increase and migration), world, society and culture, races, languages and religions, levels of education and welfare. Settlements – rural and urban, […]

Geography KP PMS Paper I Syllabus

Geography Total Marks – 200 Paper I Physical and General Geography Marks – 100 1. Elements of weather and climate: Insulation and Atmospheric Temperature, Global Radiation and Heat Balance, Atmospheric Pressure and winds, Humidity And Precipitation, Air Masses, fronts and atmospheric disturbances, classification of climate and climatic regions 2. Landforms: Major landforms, Rocks – origin, […]

Geography Punjab PMS Paper I Syllabus

PAPER- I Total Marks: 100 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 1. The Universe:- The solar system and the Earth. Earth‟s Origin, shape and size, rotation and revolution, distribution of land and water. Geological time scale. 2. Lithosphere:- Composition and internal structure of the Earth, Rocks-origin, formation and types (igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic), plate tectonics, mountain building geomorphic processes […]

Geography Punjab PMS Paper II Syllabus

PAPER-II Total Marks: 100 HUMAN, ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Man and his habitat: Concepts of Environmentalism and Possibilism, population growth, dynamics, (fertility, mortality, & migration), world society and culture, races, languages and religions, natural resources. World population, distribution, density and growth. Population structure, population change (Natural increase & migration) Migration factors (pull and […]

Geography CSS Syllabus

Geography (100 Marks) Part –I (Marks 50) – Physical Geography I. Factors controlling landform development; endogenetic and exogenetic forces; origin and evolution of the earth’s crust; physical conditions of the earth’s interior; geosynclines; continental drift; isostasy; sea-floor spreading; plate tectonics; mountain building; volcanicity; earthquakes; concepts of geomorphic cycles; landforms associated with fluvial, arid, glacial, coastal […]

Geography CSS Syllabus Suggested Readings

  S No. Title Author 1. Discovering Physical Geography 2nd ed. Hoboken :John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Alan F. Arbogast (2011). 2. Introducing Physical Geography. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Alan Strahler, (2011). 3. Atmosphere, Weather and Climate (7th ed.). London: Clays St. Davis. Barry, R. (1998). 4. Mcknight’s Physical Geography A Landscape application 10th […]