International Law CSS Paper 2006


NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1. “International Law is a Law regulating the rights and duties of states and creating no rights and imposing no duties on individuals”. Do u agree with this statement? Why or why not? Argue.

Q.2. Discuss the liability of the following:
a) The ambassador of the Republic of Brondasia in Islamabad murders a Pakistani out of sudden provocation.
b) The wife of the Brondasian ambassador bought cosmetics worth Rs.1000,000 from a local departmental store, refused to pay and went away to her embassy.
c) A Pakistani friend of the Brondasian ambassador has murdered a Brondasian employee of the embassy.

Q.3. Describe the functions of a Prize Court. What law does it administer?

Q.4. What is the duty of other states in case of internal revolt in an independent state? Can they help the rebels? Under what circumstances recognition may be accorded to the rebels?

Q.5. Discuss the extent to which a state can claim jurisdiction over the high seas in war and peace. Is an appropriation by a state of the underwater soil allowed in International Law?

Q.6. A Pakistani citizen working in the embassy of a foreign country in Islamabad, has committed an offence against another Pakistani citizen. The Pakistani police want to arrest such person. However, the ambassador is refusing to handover the accused to the police with the plea that the accused has a diplomatic immunity. Do you agree with the pleas of the ambassador? Why or why not?

Q.7. “Whatever the morality of intervention, states have no right under International Law to intervene on the territory of other states in order to prevent alleged crimes against humanity or to uphold human rights norms.” Discuss.


Q.8. (1) principal of “double criminality” means that:
(a) the person who is being extradited must be tried in both the states
(b) the person who is being extradited must be tried in both the states but may be punished in one
(c) that the offence for which a person is extradited must be an offence in both the states
(d) none of these

(2) principal of “specialty” means that:
(a) the person extradited must be awarded special punishment by the requesting state
(b) the person extradited must not be awarded special punishment by the requesting state
(c) the person extradited must be punished only for the offence for which he has been extradited
(d) none of these

(3) features of international law include all except which of the following:
(a) there is no single legislative source of international law
(b) there is no single world court for interpreting international law
(c) there is no world executive branch that can enforce international laws
(d) none of these

(4)which of the following is not a source of international law?
(a) treaties and conventions
(b) custom
(c) judicial decisions and teachings
(d) none of these

(5)the United Nations is governed by all except which of the following?
(a) the general assembly
(b) the security council
(c) the secretariat
(d) none of these

(6)the group of European countries created to promote peace, security, economic and social unity is called the:
(a) European market
(b) European union
(c) European coalition
(d) None of these

(7)GATT is a multilateral treaty that:
(a) restricts trade among non-member countries
(b) imposes multiple trade barriers among its member nations
(c) establishes trade agreements and limited tariffs and trade restrictions
(d) None of these

(8) the oldest principal of international law is the doctrine of:
(a) sovereign immunity
(b) foreign dignitaries
(c) religious freedom
(d) none of these

(9) diplomatic envoys are absolutely immuned from which of the following jurisdictions:
(a) criminal jurisdiction
(b) civil jurisdiction
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these

(10) which of the following is not an example of Extra-Territorial Asylum:
(a) asylum granted in a ship in high seas
(b) asylum granted in the premises of an international institution
(c) asylum granted in an embassy
(d) none of these

(11) universal declaration of human rights was passed in:
(a) Chicago
(b) London
(c) Berlin
(d) None of these

(12) “Continental Shelf” means:
(a) that portion of land which belongs to no state
(b) that portion of land on the South Pole which can be used by any state
(c) submerged bed of sea contiguous to a continental land mass
(d) none of these

(13) Vatican city is:
(a) a province of Italy
(b) is an independent state
(c) is not an independent state
(d) none of these

(14) the jurisdiction of the international court of justice:
(a) is binding on all the members of the UNO
(b) is not binding on all the members of the UNO
(c) is binding only upon the members of the SECURITY COUNCIL
(d) none of these

(15) a “Vassal State” is the one which is:
(a) situated on the sea shore
(b) an independent state
(c) under the suzerainty of another state
(d) none of these

(16) Confederation means:
(a) good diplomatic relation between some states
(b) union between some states
(c) relation between the provinces of a federal state
(d) none of these

(17) “Littoral State” means:
(a) situated on the sea coast
(b) an independent state
(c) under the suzerainty of another state
(d) none of these

(18) “Contiguous Zone” means:
(a) that portion of land which belongs to no state
(b) that portion of land on the South Pole which can be used by any state
(c) that portion of sea which is adjacent to territorial waters
(d) none of these

(19) “Maritime Belt” means:
(a) that portion of land which belongs to no state
(b) that portion of land on the South Pole which can be used by any state
(c) that portion of sea which is adjacent to the territory of a coastal state
(d) none of these

(20) “ Economic and Social Council”
(a) was an organ of the League of Nations
(b) is an organ of the WTO
(c) is an organ of UNO
(d) none of these