Psychology CSS Paper II 2007

1. Define Developmental Psychology. Describe the characteristics of Growth, Development and maturation in the light of methods of Developmental Psychology.
2. Explain the concepts of Genetic Factors, Heredity transmission and chromosomal abnormality with reference to developmental irregularities in children.
3. Describe in brief the distinguishing features of any TWO of the following:
(a) Physical Development and Emotional Development
(b) Sensory and Motor Development.
(c) Intellectual and Personality Development
(d) Perceptual and Cognitive Development
4. Briefly explain any THREE of the following:
(a) Somatic Therapies
(b) Environmental Therapies
(c) Psychoanalytic Therapies
(d) Gestalt Therapy
(e) Cognitive Therapies
(f) Behavior Therapies
5. Define intelligence. Emphasize the role of IQ testing in identification of Mental Retardation referring to a few tests of intelligence testing.
6. List the various Psychoneurotic disorders and write in detail about any TWO of them.
7. What is the role of Psychology in an industrial setting? Write down the significance of group dynamics in improving work situation.

  1. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the questions.

(1) The study of the hereditary transmission of attributes is:
(a) Heritability, biological traits
(b) Genetics, genes
(c) Adaptability, dominant and recessive traits
(d) Mutation, differentiation
(e) None of these

(2) A male born with an extra Y chromosome, XYY, shows some evidence of increased aggressiveness and typically scores lower than normal on intelligence tests:
(a) Turner’s syndrome
(b) Supermale Syndrome
(c) XXX syndrome
(d) Klinefelter’s syndrome
(e) None of these

(3) The material of which chromosomes are composed is called:
(a) Deoxyribonucleic acid
(b) Genes
(c) Atoms
(d) Myelin
(e) None of these

(4) Maturation refers to:
(a) The attainment of successive stages of cognitive development.
(b) Relatively stable changes in an individual’s thought and behavior or a result of biological processor of aging.
(c) Relatively stable changes in an individual’s thought and behavior as a result of accumulating experience.
(d) The development of an individual thought and behavior due to the interactions of biological and environmental factors
(e) None of these

(5) According to one definition, behavior is abnormal if it is:
(a) Labeled as abnormal by the society in which the individual lives
(b) Not under conscious control by the individual
(c) Statistically typical
(d) Adaptive to the individual
(e) None of these

(6) Anxiety disorders may be characterized by:
(a) Psychotic symptoms
(b) Low affect
(c) Telegraphic thoughts
(d) Somatic symptoms
(e) None of these

(7) Two examples of mood disorders are:
(a) Major depression and generalized anxiety disorder
(b) Obsessive compulsive disorder and manic-depressive disorder
(c) Major depression and bipolar disorder
(d) Major depression and obsessive compulsive disorder
(e) None of these

(8) An individual cannot remember events during an immediately following a serious airplane crash:
(a) Dissociative amnesia
(b) Dissociative fugue
(c) Retrograde amnesia
(d) Fractured amnesia
(e) None of these

(9) A type of schizophrenia characterized by hallucinations, delusions, and diffuse psychological organization is referred to as:
(a) Undifferentiated
(b) Disorganized
(c) Residual
(d) Fragmented
(e) None of these

(10) An individual who is identified as having a borderline personality disorder shows:
(a) Persecutory thoughts
(b) Exhibitionistic tendencies
(c) Instability in mood and social relations
(d) Apathy and indifference to the opinions of others
(e) None of these

(11) Which symptoms is not typically characteristic of an autistic child?
(a) Impairment in communication
(b) Hyperactivity
(c) Restricted range of interest
(d) Social isolation
(e) None of these

(12) The Stanford-Binet, WAIS-R and WISC are known to have very high reliability. This means that:
(a) A pretest has been given to a representative
(b) The test yields consistent results, for example-retesting
(c) The test measures what it is supposed to measure
(d) The result of the test will be distributed on a bell shaped curve
(e) None of these

(13) The experience that has the clearest, most profound effect on intellectual development:
(a) Being enrolled in Head Start Program
(b) Growing up in an economically disadvantaged home or neighbourhood
(c) Being raised in a very neglected home
(d) Being exposed to very stimulating toys and lessons in infancy

(14) A therapist who encourages clients to relate their dreams and searches its roots is:
(a) Psychoanalysis
(b) Humanistic therapy
(c) Person-centered therapy
(d) Cognitive therapy
(e) None of these

(15) The most enthusiastic or optimistic view of Psychotherapy comes from:
(a) Outcome research
(b) Psychologist Hans Eysenck
(c) Reports of clinicians
(d) An NIMH study of treatment for depression
(e) None of these

(16) An approach that seeks to alleviate poverty and to other stresses that put people at high risk for developing psychological disorders is:
(a) Biomedical therapy
(b) The humanistic approach
(c) Empathy and active listening
(d) Preventive mental health
(e) None of these

(17) If a person washes his hands 100 times a day, the behavior will be labeled disordered because it is:
(a) Unjustified an maladaptive
(b) An atypical behavior
(c) Not explained by the medical model
(d) Harmful and disturbing to others

(18) The DSM-111-R has improved reliability because it helps mental health workers base their diagnosis on:
(a) A few well-defined categories
(b) In-depth history of the patient
(c) The patient’s observable behaviour
(d) The theories of Pinel, Freud and others
(e) None of these

(19) An episode of intense dread, which is typically accompanied by feelings of terror and dizziness, chest pain etc. is called:
(a) Generalized or chronic anxiety
(b) A social phobia
(c) A panic attack
(d) An obsessive fear
(e) None of these

(20) Amnesia, fugue and multiple personality involve gaps in awareness, for example, sudden loss of memory or change of identity. These Psychological disorders are called:
(a) Anxiety disorders
(b) Dissociative disorders
(c) Mood disorders
(d) Memory disorders
(e) None of these
