S.No. | Title of Books | Author |
1 | Financial Accounting, and Intermediate Accounting | Kieso, Weygandt and Warfield |
2 | Fundamentals of Accounting Principles | Wild. Larson. Chiappetta |
3 | Accounting for Decision-making | Meigs, William and Haka |
4 | IFRSs / IASs | ICAP / IFAC |
5 | Principles and practice of Book Keeping and Accounts | Vickery, B.G |
6 | Financial Accounting I Financial Accounting II |
M. Hanif and A. Mukherjee |
7 | Principles of Accounting, and Advanced Accounting | Sohail Afzal |
8 | Principles of Accounting, and Advanced Accounting | M.A Ghani and Ejaz |
9 | Cost Accounting – Planning and control | Usry, Hammer, Matz |
10 | Managerial Accounting | Peter C. Brewer, Ray H. Garison, Eric W. Noreen. |
11 | Cost Accounting | Jain and Narang |
12 | Cost Accounting | Nisar ur Din. |