Agriculture and Forestry CSS Syllabus Suggested Readings

Suggested Readings

S.No. Title Author
1. Shaping the Future of Water for Agriculture World Bank, USA
2. Participatory Rural Development in Pakistan Khan, M. H
3. Agriculture in Pakistan Khan M. H.
4. Economic Survey of Latest Years
5. Agri / Livestock/Machinery / Rural Developments Censuses of Latest Years
6. Fundamentals of Soil Science Henry D. Foth
7. Manual of Plant Production Abdul Manan.
8. Principles of Field Crop Production Martin., J.H. & Leonard, W.H.
9. Diseases of Field Crops Dickson, J.G
10. Irrigation Principles & Practices Isrealson, O.W. Vaughn, E. Hansen.
11. A Text Book of Plant Pathology A.V.S.S. Sambamurti
12. Breeding Field Crops Poehlman
13. The Principles of Agronomy. Harris, Franklin Stewart
14. Forest Types of Pakistan Champion, H.G., S.K.Seth and, G.M.Khattak
15. Manual of Silviculture for Pakistan Champion, H.G., S.K. Seth and G.M.Khattak
16. Trees of Pakistan M.I. Sheikh
17. Range Management in Pakistan M.A.A. Qureshi
18. Comprehensive Forestry B.A. Raza
19. Farm Forestry in Pakistan, M.A.A. Qureshi
20. Forest Management G.M. Khattak
21. Wildlife Ecology, Conservation and Management A. R. E. Sinclair, J. M. Fryxell, G.Caughley
22. Basics of Forestry & Allied Sciences Dr. Masood A.A. Qureshi