Suggested Readings
S.No. | Title | Author |
1. | Shaping the Future of Water for Agriculture | World Bank, USA |
2. | Participatory Rural Development in Pakistan | Khan, M. H |
3. | Agriculture in Pakistan | Khan M. H. |
4. | Economic Survey of Latest Years | |
5. | Agri / Livestock/Machinery / Rural Developments Censuses of Latest Years | |
6. | Fundamentals of Soil Science | Henry D. Foth |
7. | Manual of Plant Production | Abdul Manan. |
8. | Principles of Field Crop Production | Martin., J.H. & Leonard, W.H. |
9. | Diseases of Field Crops | Dickson, J.G |
10. | Irrigation Principles & Practices | Isrealson, O.W. Vaughn, E. Hansen. |
11. | A Text Book of Plant Pathology | A.V.S.S. Sambamurti |
12. | Breeding Field Crops | Poehlman |
13. | The Principles of Agronomy. | Harris, Franklin Stewart |
14. | Forest Types of Pakistan | Champion, H.G., S.K.Seth and, G.M.Khattak |
15. | Manual of Silviculture for Pakistan | Champion, H.G., S.K. Seth and G.M.Khattak |
16. | Trees of Pakistan | M.I. Sheikh |
17. | Range Management in Pakistan | M.A.A. Qureshi |
18. | Comprehensive Forestry | B.A. Raza |
19. | Farm Forestry in Pakistan, | M.A.A. Qureshi |
20. | Forest Management | G.M. Khattak |
21. | Wildlife Ecology, Conservation and Management | A. R. E. Sinclair, J. M. Fryxell, G.Caughley |
22. | Basics of Forestry & Allied Sciences | Dr. Masood A.A. Qureshi |