Agriculture CSS Paper 2004




NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including question No. 8 which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry EQUAL marks.

Q. No. 1. Improvement in price control mechanism of agricultural commodities and their marketing system can break the stagnation in agriculture sector. Identify the main bottlenecks and suggest the appropriate strategies to overcome the shortfalls of the existing systems.

Q. No. 2. Have Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology made any breakthrough in crop production so far? Elaborate the scope of modern techniques in enhancing the agricultural productivity within shortest possible time.

Q. No. 3. Huge import bill of edible oil is a big burden on the national economy for the last quarter century. What necessary measures would you suggest to boost oilseed crop production and to avert this serious crisis?

Q. No. 4. Describe various components of IPM Technology and discuss the usefulness of this approach with reference with to fore coming WTO regime.

Q. No. 5. Horticultural crops have not been properly exploited according to their potential. How these can play better role that the major crops in agriculture of the country?

Q. No. 6. Write short notes on any FIVE of the following:
(a) Crop water use efficiency
(b) Live stock as a component of agriculture
(c) Hybrid vigour
(d) Allilon Parasitism
(e) Genetic Diversity
(f) Foot and Mouth disease
(g) Gram blight and gram wilt

Q. No. 7. Differentiate between the following (Any five)
(a) Macronutrients and micronutrients
(b) Basic seed and Certified seed
(c) Pathogenesis and Parthenogenesis
(d) Pomes and stone fruits
(e) C3 and C4 plants
(f) Saline soils and sodic soils
(g) Vertical and horizontal resistance


Q. No. 8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the questions.

(1) Olericulture is the study dealing with:
(a) Vegetable production (b) Honey bee (c) Ornamental Flowers (d) None of these

(2) Colostrum is:
(a) Low nutritive milk (b) First product of mammary glands after parturition (c) Product of mammary glands after two month of parturition (d) None of these

(3) Banana fruit is classified in the category:
(a) Drupe (b) Pomes (c) Berry (d) None of these

(4) Older the rice:
(a) Worse in price (b) Damaged in shape (c) Cheaper in price (d) None of these

(5) Gossypium Hirsutum is the botanical name of:
(a) American Cotton (b) Desi Cotton (c) Barley (d) Sugar Cane (e) None of these

(6) Selection of plants on the basis of phenotypic superiority is known as:
(a) Hybrid (b) Mass Selection (c) Inbred Line (d) Pure Line (e) None of these

(7) Agricultural Extension relates to:
(a) Modernization of agricultural machinery (b) Financial help to the farmers (c) Educating farmers (d) None of these

(8) When soil surface is protected with residue of a crop, the practice is called:
(a) Nitrogen fixation (b) Sheet erosion (c) Tillage (d) Mulching (e) None of these

(9) Bhagnari is a breed of:
(a) Buffalo (b) Cow (c) Sheep (d) Poultry (e) None of these

(10) Afforestation means:
(a) Forest Research Station (b) To convert land into forest (c) Utilization of forest products (d) None of these

(11) Population genetics is based on:
(a) Principles of population control (b) Mendel’s Law (c) Hardy Weinberg’s law (d) Genotype-environment inter action (e) None of these

(12) Inqalab – 91 is a variety of:
(a) Rice (b) Cotton (c) Sugar cane (d) Wheat (e) None of these

(13) Crops produced in hilly areas are low in:
(a) Iron (b) ZInc (c) Nitrogen (d) Iodine (e) None of these

(14) Crossing over occurs between:
(a) Sister Chromatids (b) Homologous Chromosomes (c) Non-Homologous Chromosomes (d) None of these

(15) Gypsum is rich source of:
(a) Calcium + Zinc (b) Potassium + Nitrogen (c) Calcium + Sulphur (d) None of these

(16) F.A.O. has its headquarters in:
(a) London (b) New York (c) Geneva (d) None of these

(17) Organic matter in soil helps in:
(a) Improving soil structure (b) Improving soil texture (c) Weed control (d) Building up of organic compounds in crops (e) None of these

(18) Seed cotton means
(a) Seed without lint (b) Seed with lint (c) Lint only (d) None of these

(19) The ploidy level of American Cotton is:
(a) Diploid (b) Triploid (c) Tetraploid (d) None of these

(20) Contribution of Agriculture to GDP is:
(a) 35% (b) 50% (c) 75% (d) None of these