Agriculture CSS Paper 2006




NOTE: (i. Attempt FIVE questions in all including question No. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(ii. Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered
(iii. Candidate must draw two straight lines (==================. at the end to separate each question attempted in Answer Books.

Attempt ONLY FIVE questions in all, including QUESTION No. 8, which is compulsory.

Q No. 1. Support price of agricultural commodities generally favours to enhance crop production in the country. Despite this, we are lagging behind in average yields than the technologically advanced countries. Discuss the reasons and suggest strategies to prevail this situation.

Q No. 2. How do you visualize the present sugar crisis in the country? Elaborate various aspects causing this scenario. Also write down the production technology of sugar cane.

Q No. 3. Genetic resources possess sufficient genetic blood to double the crop productivity. Narrate their appropriate utilization for maximizing the agricultural production through conventional breeding techniques and modern approaches of crop improvement.

Q No. 4. a. Discuss the biotic stresses affecting crop production and illustrate the role of IPM to overcome these.

b. Write a comprehensive note on the nutrient management for sustainable crop production in various zones of Pakistan.

Q No. 5. Livestock sector has not properly been exploited as per its potential. What measures should be taken to meet the local demands of milk and meat and also for a better export?

Q No. 6. Write short notes on any four of the following:

a. Hybrid seed production
b. Greenhouse effect
c. Saline agriculture
d. Rust diseases of wheat
e. Role of organic matter in soil
f. Production of organic rice

Q No. 7. Differentiate between any four of the following:

a. Biological and chemical control of crop pests
b. Photoperiodism and thermoperiodism
c. Vertical resistance and horizontal resistance against plant pathogens
d. Halophytes and xerophytes
e. Sericulture and silviculture
f. Linkage and crossing over


Q No. 8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Booklet. Do not reproduce the question.

  1. Ploidy level of maize plant is:
    a. Diploid b. Tetraploid c. Hexaploid d. None of these

  2. Dajjal is a breed of:
    a. Milking animal b. Draft animal c. Pet animal d. None of these

  3. Seed cotton means:
    a. Lint only b. Seed without lint c. Seed with lint d. None of these

  4. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium provides basis for study of:
    a. Population Genetics b. Genetic Engineering c. Biometrical Genetics d. Mendelian Genetics

  5. Maize plant has its origin in:
    a. Russia b. Africa c. Middle East d. America

  6. Olericulture is the study dealing with:
    a. Silk worm b. Vegetable production c. Honey bees d. Ornamental flowers

  7. Gypsum is a rich source of:
    a. Calcium + zinc b. Calcium + Potassium c. Calcium + sulphur d. Calcium + nitrogen

  8. Banana fruit is classified in the category of:
    a. Berry b. Pomes c. Sorosis d. None of these

  9. True potato seed is the:
    a. Potato tuber used for propagation b. Any plant part used for potato propagation c. Seed developed within the fruit of potato d. None of these

  10. Eragate are the types of insects which are:
    a. Workers in honey bee b. Biting c. Workers in the species of ant d. None of these

  11. “CIMMYT” is an organization working for the improvement of:
    a. Rice and cotton b. Pulses and oilseeds c. Dryland Agriculture d. Wheat and maize

  12. In various plant metabolic processes “PPP” stand for:
    a. Plant Protection Procedures b. Produce Per Plant c. Pentose Phosphate Pathway d. None of these

  13. Arachnids are the arthropods with:
    a. Single pair of legs b. Two pairs of legs c. Three pairs of legs d. Four pairs of legs

  14. Sericulture means:
    a. Rearing of honey bees b. Rearing silk worms c. Both (a. and (b. d. None of these

  15. The cotton species providing main raw material for textile industry is:
    a. Gossypium hirsutum b. Gossypium arboreum c. Gossypium thurberi d. None of these

  16. Inbred lines are developed through selection and inbreeding in:
    a. Self pollinated crops b. Cross pollinated crops c. Asexually propagated crops d. None of these

  17. Safflower is:
    a. An ornamental plant b. Oil producing plant c. Leguminous d. Fibre producing plant

  18. Continuous selfing in cross pollinated:
    a. Improvement in yield b. Poor in performance c. Growth in vegetative parts d. None of these

  19. Soil structure can be improved with addition of:
    a. Organic matter b. Chemical fertilizers c. Gypsum d. None of these

  20. Synopsis of chromosomes occurs between:
    a. Sister chromatids b. Homologous chromosomes c. Non homologous d. None of these
