Applied Mathematics CSS Syllabus Suggested Readings

S.No. Title Author
1. An Introduction to Vector Analysis Khalid Latif,
2. Introduction to Mechanics Q.K. Ghori
3. An Intermediate Course in Theoretical Mechanics Khalid Latif,
4. Differential      Equations       with             Boundary Value Problems D. G. Zill and M. R. Cullen
5. Elementary Differential Equations E.D. Rainville, P.E. Bedient and R.E. Bedient
6. Introduction    to         Ordinary             Differential Equations A. L. Rabenstein
7. Advanced Engineering Mathematics E. Kreyszig
8. An Introduction to Numerical Analysis Mohammad Iqbal
9. Numerical Analysis R.L Burden and J.D Faires
10. Elements of Numerical Analysis F. Ahmad and M.A Rana
11. Mathematical Methods S. M. Yousaf, Abdul Majeed and Muhammad Amin
