British History (100 Marks)
Part –I (Marks 50)
I. The Glorious Revolution (1688)
- Causes, and Results
- William III and Mary II (1689-1702)
- Queen Anne (1702-1714)
II. Hanoverian Era (1714-1790)
- Jacobite Rebellions (1715 and 1745)
- Robert Walpole and Whig Oligarchy
- American War of Independence (1776)
III. The Union of England and Scotland
IV. Union of England and Ireland
V. The Old Colonial system
VI. The French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars
- Causes
- Britain and Napoleonic Wars
- Impact on Britain
VII. Industrial and Agricultural Revolution
- Causes
- Effects on Political and Social Life of Britain
- Party Politics
- The Methodist Movement
- Socialism Liberalism
- Colonization
- Chartest Movement
VIII.Robert Peel and return of Torries
- Internal policies
- Irish Problem
IX. Victorian Era (1837-1901)
- Internal Reforms
- Liberals
- Foreign Policy
- Disraeli, Gladstone and Problems in Ireland
- Great Britain and Free Trade
X. Edwardian Era (1901-1910)
- Domestic and Foreign Policies (1901-1910)
- The Origins of Labor Party
XI. Britain, World War I and its Aftermath
- Causes
- Britain and Peace settlement
- Effects of War on Britain
- League of Nations
- The Great Depression Appeasement and Rearmament
Part –II (Marks 50)
XII. Britain ,World War II and its Aftermath
- Causes and events
- Churchill, War Conferences
- Creation of U.N.O
- Effects of war
- Reforms of Labour Government
XIII.Great Britain and Cold War
- Creation of Commonwealth
- Decolonization of the British Empire
- Internal Policies and EEC
- Foreign Policy
XIV. Thatcherism to Cameroun (1979-2012)
- Internal Policy
- Society and culture
- Foreign Policy
- Falkland War
- John Major and his Policies
- European Common Market and the Great Britain
- Formation of EU
- Tony Blair “New Labour” Economic Crunch, War on Terror and his Policies
- Global Financial Crisis 2008 and the Great Britain
- Reforms under Cameroun