British History KP PMS Paper I 2008

NWFP Public Service Commission, Peshawar
Competitive Examination for the posts of Provincial Management Service (BPS-17) – 2008

British History Paper I

Time Allowed: 03 Hours
Max Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions. Each question carries equal marks

Q1 What attempts were made to upset the Revolution Settlement in Ireland and Scotland.

Q2 indicate the changes that were introduced in the methods of Manufactures and Agriculture in the latter half of 18th century.

Q3 What causes brought about the French Revolution and why did war breakout between France and England?

Q4 What do you know about the Cunning’s Foreign Policy.

Q5 How the Cape of Good Hope was captured by the Britain.

Q6 Mention the names and the works of those famous poets who flourished during the days of Victoria!

Q7 What were the immediate causes of the World War II?