British History KP PMS Paper II 2013

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission, Peshawar
Competitive Examination for the posts of Provincial Management Service (BPS-17) – 2013

British History Paper II

Time Allowed: 03 Hours
Max Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any five questions.

Q 1 What were the contributing factors for the World War I. Also analyze the imprints of World War I on Britain.

Q 2 Discuss the salient features of British foreign policy between 1918 and out-break of Second World War.

Q 3 Discuss and compare the relative merits of Gladstone and Disraeli as Prime Ministers of England.

Q 4 Give an account for the diminished stature of Britain in world politics after 1945.

Q 5 Margaret Thatcher was a strong prime minister. Comment why her popularity declined, what were the reasons of her resignation?

Q 6 Give an account of the problems faced by Tony Blair government?

Q 7 Discuss in detail the Balkan Wars and their consequences.

Q 8 Explain the characteristics of the “new colonial policy” of Britain as it developed since the close of Second World War.
