Borders of the world

Here are some of the most famous borders in the world, each with its own unique history and significance: Historical and Political Borders: Radcliffe Line: This line demarcates the border between India and Pakistan, drawn hastily in 1947 during the Partition of India. McMahon Line: This line separates India and China, a product of the…

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Continents A continent is a massive area of land that is separated from others by water or other natural features. “Continent” derives from the Latin terra continēns [terra = “land”, continēns = present participle of the verb contineō = con ‎(“together”) + teneō ‎(“I hold”). The meaning is therefore ‎“land held together” or “connected land.”…

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Oceans   Surface of the earth is divided into land and water.  Water body covering 71% (approximately 361 Million km2 or 139 Million sq mi) of the surface of the earth is known as Ocean. The total volume is approximately 1.35 billion cubic kilometers (320 million cu mi) with an average depth of nearly 3,700…

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Geographical Sobriquets

A sobriquet is a nickname, sometimes assumed, but often given by another and being descriptive in nature. Distinct from a pseudonym, it typically is a familiar name used in place of a real name without the need of explanation, often becoming more familiar than the original name. 754 Views

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