Economics Balochistan PCS Syllabus
Total Marks 150 ECONOMICS Standard Same as for degree Examination 4,919 Views
Total Marks 150 ECONOMICS Standard Same as for degree Examination 4,919 Views
Economics Total Marks 150 Standard same as for Degree Examination 3,527 Views
Economics Total Marks – 200 Paper I Marks – 100 1. Micro Economics: Consumer Behaviour, Determination of market demand and supply, theory of the Firm, producer’s equilibrium pricing of the factors of production 2. Macro Economics: Basic economic concepts, National Income Accounting, consumption function and multiplier, determination of equilibrium level of income and output, inflation…
Economics Total Marks 200 Paper II Marks – 100 Pakistan’s Economy 1. Definition and measurement of development, characteristics of under development, rethinking on the concept of development, Growth vs. Redistributive Justice, absolute and relative poverty, basic needs approach 2. Planning experience of Pakistan: A critical evaluation of the strategy of economic planning 3. Agricultural development…
PAPER – II MACROECONOMICS Total Marks: 100 PART I 1. What is Macroeconomics?: Major macroeconomic issues. Economic models. Stocks and flows, National income accounting, circular flow of income, real versus nominal GDP, the GDP deflator, the consumer price index, economic growth, actual versus potential output, business cycles and their phases, definition of full employment,…
PAPER – I Total Marks: 100 Part I MICROECONOMICS 1. Microeconomics: Meaning of microeconomics. Choice, scarcity and opportunity cost. Production Possibility frontier. Goals of microeconomic policy: efficiency and equity. 2. Market economy: Demand, Supply and Price determination. Individual and market demand. Changes in demand. Individual and market supply. Changes in supply. Market equilibrium and impact…
Suggested Readings S.No. Title Author 1. A Text-book of Economics Theory Stonier & Hague 2. Economic Development Todaro, M.P. 3. Under Development and Agrarian Structure in Pakistan Khan, Mahmood Hassan 4. Economic of Islam Ahmed, S.M. 5. Economics Paul A. Samuelson 6. Factors in Economic Development Cairncross, A.K 7. Foreign Aid Theory and Practice in…
Economics (200 Marks) Paper-II (100 Marks) (Economics of Pakistan) I. Definition and Measurement of Development: Characteristics of under development, rethinking on the concept of development: Growth vs. Redistributive justice, Absolute and Relative Poverty, Basic Needs Approach, Sustainable Development, Environmental Degradation & other Issues. II. Planning Experience of Pakistan: A critical evaluation of the strategy of…
Economics (200 Marks) Paper-I (100 Marks) I. Microeconomics Consumer behaviour, Determination of market demand and supply i.e. concept of elasticity of Demand & Supply, Static, Comparative Static Analysis, Distinction between partial and general equilibrium analysis (basic level) theory of the Firm, Producer’s equilibrium, Pricing of the factors of production II. Macroeconomics Basic Economic Concepts, National…