Core Values of Public Administration

Core Values of Public Administration

Public administrators must conduct themselves in a manner that shows the public that they are trustworthy. This means adhering to core values for the safety and good of the public.

Public service values are what shape a good public administrator. However, these core values are more than just beliefs and principles; they are motivations that incite actions. Public administrators must adhere to all the core values to earn public trust.

Rule of Law in Public Administration

Rule of Law is a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions, and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards. It requires, as well, measures to ensure adherence to the principles of supremacy of law, equality before the law, accountability to the law, fairness in the application of the law, separation of powers, participation in decision-making, legal certainty, avoidance of arbitrariness and procedural and legal transparency.

Efficiency in Public Administration

One of the imperatives of public administration is the achievement of efficiency at all levels. Administrative Efficiency is defined as the capacity of an organization, institution, or business to produce desired results with a minimum expenditure of energy, time, money, personnel, material, etc. Public organizations are responsible to provide the necessary public goods and services to the citizens at affordable rates.

Equity and Fairness in Public Administration

Equity is impartiality, fairness, and justice. Social Equity is the equal treatment to which all are entitled by virtue of being human. The World Bank describes equity as “equal access to the opportunities that allow people to pursue a life of their own choosing and to avoid extreme deprivations in outcomes”. Public Administration is responsible for creating equitable and inclusive communities with the opportunity for all can lead to a level playing field where everyone has a chance to succeed.

Responsiveness in Public Administration

Responsive and accountable public governance begins with the State leadership working with the citizens to formulate and agree on a vision for the country that will guide the development efforts focused on the well-being of the people.

Responsive and accountable governance engages the people in the processes of decision and policymaking, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. It focuses on plans and actions of public leadership and government on the needs of the people and involves them in identifying those needs. It provides access to public information, constantly listens to the people, and ensures that government and its agencies are open to people’s inputs and scrutiny. Most importantly, it develops institutions, structures, systems, and practices that promote and support the involvement and participation of the people and ensure equal access to services by all.

Responsiveness and accountability draw attention to the centrality of the social contract between the state and citizens. That is, states need to respond to the real needs of the people and be accountable for their decisions and actions to them. Citizens should fulfill their part of the contract by participating in democratic processes, contributing to taxes, and generally participating in civic life.

Accountability in Public Administration

Public administrators are employed by the public and held accountable for their words and actions. Democratic values involve accountability and dependability. Without accountability, public trust cannot be established. Public administrators need to ensure the public has access to information by being as transparent as possible. It is the goal of public administrators to serve the public, not keep secrets from them. All decisions must be with the public’s best interest in mind.

Transparency in Public Administration

Transparency in public administration is to ensure the availability of public information to the citizens. This should be an organizational goal and is to be taken into account when conducting public business.

Professionalism in Public Administration

Being a public administrator comes with a degree of prestige because of the public spotlight. Therefore, public administrators must always act professionally. Anything they do can damage their reputation. Professional values incorporate character traits such as responsibility, dependability, efficiency, competence, objectivity, and confidence.

Ethics in Public Administration

After professional values come ethical values. Public administrators must act with integrity in all of their doings to earn public trust. Integrity means always being honest and fair, whether it is with neighbors, friends, or businesses. Everything a public administrator does and says can be looked upon by the public. Public administrators must always show integrity and be mindful of laws and regulations. They must not use their power in the wrong way. A public administrator is always under constant scrutiny by the public.
