CSS Competitive Examination 2021 – Public Notice by FPSC Pakistan


Aga Khan Road Sector F-5/1, Islamabad

UAN 051-111-000-248 Phone No.051-9205075, Fax: 051-9213386, 051-9203410

e-mail: [email protected], Website: www.fpsc.gov.pk


Apply online well before 3rd NOVEMBER 2020and send hardcopy of online application alongwith all required documents to reach FPSC Headquarters well before 13th NOVEMBER, 2020

(Late submissions & incomplete documents will lead to rejection of candidature)

CSS Competitive Exam (CE) 2021 is planned to be held with effect from Thursday, 18th February, 2021.

Conduct of exam will be governed by CSS CE – Rules 2019 and onwards. (To be read and understood well before filling in of application form. No deviation to these rules be made in any case whatsoever) CSS CE Rules 2019, Online Application Form, Challan Form & Syllabus for CSS CE are available on FPSC Website www.fpsc.gov.pk

2. Number of vacancies to be filled on the basis of CSS CE-2021 will be announced later.

3. Examination will be held at following centres depending upon availability of sufficient number of candidates:

(1) Abbottabad (2) Bahawalpur (3) D.G.Khan (4) D.I.Khan (5) Faisalabad (6) Gilgit (7) Gujranwala (8) Hyderabad (9) Islamabad (10) Karachi (11) Lahore (12) Larkana (13) Multan (14) Muzaffarabad (15) Peshawar (16) Quetta (17) Rawalpindi (18) Sargodha (19) Sukkur

4. ELIGIBILITY; (Rule 6): Allmale and female including special persons holding at least 2nd Division Bachelor’s degree and aged between 21 to 30 years are eligible. Upper age limit may be relaxed by two years in categories specified in ibid rules, subject to fulfillment of all requirements. Cut-off date for determining eligibility of candidate in terms of age, qualification, domicile etc, is 31st December, 2020.

5. PROCEDURE FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION; (Rule 11): Online application will be available from 5th October to 3rd November, 2020. Be mindful of the closing dates.


(i) Understanding of CSS CE-Rules, correct filling of application form, furnishing correct personal and other details, sending complete documents and adherence to the timelines is the sole responsibility of candidates without exceptions. All of these aspects are part of the merit process and reflect upon seriousness and competence of candidates.

(ii) Fill online form carefully. Check the filled form before final submission. Take printout and dispatch hardcopy to FPSC well before the closing date. Corrections in the printed hardcopy are not desirable and must be avoided. In extreme cases only corrections may be made legibly and initialled. No request for change in any entry of online application or its hardcopy would be accepted later on at all.

(iii) Deposit examination fee of Rs. 2,200/- on or before 3rd November, 2020, in the nearest Govt Treasury/State Bank of Pakistan/National Bank of Pakistan under the account head “C02101-Organs of State Exam Fee (FPSC Receipt).

(iv) Ensure that attested copies of all required documents, photographs & original treasury receipt of Rs 2,200/- are attached with the hardcopy of application form.

(v) Choose the optional subjects correctly in accordance with Appendix-I of CSS CE Rules.

(vi) Download computer generated Admission Certificates from FPSC website i.e. www.fpsc.gov.pk. No separate intimation shall be sent through post etc.

(vii) Be informed that optional subjects & examination centre once selected will not be changed. No request in this regard will be entertained after receipt of hardcopy.

(viii) Hardcopy of the online application must be dispatched in a separate envelope. Two or more applications in one envelope are not acceptable.

(ix) For further information or queries (if any) contact FPSC on above given numbers or email.

FPSC has ZERO TOLERANCE for Cheating, Unlawfulness and Use of Unfair Means.


Assistant Director (CE)
