English Essay CSS Paper 1995


Time allowed: 2 hours

Maximum marks: 50

Note: Write an essay on any One of the following subjects:

1. Press Freedom and Responsibility.

2. Faith unites, dogma divides.

3. Can Capitalism survive without interest?

4. Nothing is so self-blinding as self-righteousness.

5. Economic and Political development is not possible without social transformation.

6. Pakistan- Afghanistan relations: Post-Soviet withdrawal phase.

7. 50 years of the UN: a critical evaluation.

8. Control of corruption in Pakistani society.

9. Human kind cannot bear very much of reality.

10. Prospects of demographic equilibrium in Pakistan through family-planning.

11. Plight of women and moves for their “empowerment”.

12. Third World Poverty: Dimension and alleviation strategies.

13. Economic planning and development in third world countries: objectives, problems, and prospects.

14. The universe in the light of modern scientific discoveries.
