English Essay CSS Topicwise Papers – Science


  1. Energy Crisis in Pakistan: Causes and Consequences.
  2. The end of cheap oil
  3. The dilemma of the water and energy crisis in Pakistan.
  4. Energy a critical factor in Pakistan’s economic development.
  5. The Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
  6. Solar Energy


  1. Wealth in the Sea
    Global Warming / Weather
  2. The threat of global warming and the ways to counter it.
  3. Global Warming, fact or fiction?
  4. Global Warming
  5. Weather Forecasting
  6. The future of mankind from a global warming perspective

General Science

  1. Is the world ready for the Gene Age?
  2. The role of science in the next century
  3. ‘Science without conscience is the ruin of a people’
  4. Impact of Science on Society.
  5. Religion and Science.
  6. The relevance of Islam to Science.



  1. Expanding Information Technology; A curse or blessing.
    2015: The introduction of new digital technologies has radically altered identities.
    2015: Labor-saving devices are more troublesome than they worth.
    2015: Govt Should eliminate subsidies and incentives for manufacturers and consumers of electric cars as they are costly and do not do enough to protect the environment.
  2. Advancement in science and technology is the gateway to the ‘economic prosperity of a country.
  3. Expanding information technology; a curse or blessing.
  4. Machines and Emotions.
  5. “We have entered the Computer Age”. What are the dimensions and prospects of this modern technology?
  6. The Uses of Computers;


  1. The universe in the light of modern scientific discoveries
  2. Interplanetary Travel;

