Table of Contents
- Energy Crisis in Pakistan: Causes and Consequences.
- The end of cheap oil
- The dilemma of the water and energy crisis in Pakistan.
- Energy a critical factor in Pakistan’s economic development.
- The Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
- Solar Energy
- Wealth in the Sea
Global Warming / Weather - The threat of global warming and the ways to counter it.
- Global Warming, fact or fiction?
- Global Warming
- Weather Forecasting
- The future of mankind from a global warming perspective
General Science
- Is the world ready for the Gene Age?
- The role of science in the next century
- ‘Science without conscience is the ruin of a people’
- Impact of Science on Society.
- Religion and Science.
- The relevance of Islam to Science.
- Expanding Information Technology; A curse or blessing.
2015: The introduction of new digital technologies has radically altered identities.
2015: Labor-saving devices are more troublesome than they worth.
2015: Govt Should eliminate subsidies and incentives for manufacturers and consumers of electric cars as they are costly and do not do enough to protect the environment. - Advancement in science and technology is the gateway to the ‘economic prosperity of a country.
- Expanding information technology; a curse or blessing.
- Machines and Emotions.
- “We have entered the Computer Age”. What are the dimensions and prospects of this modern technology?
- The Uses of Computers;
- The universe in the light of modern scientific discoveries
- Interplanetary Travel;