European History CSS Syllabus

European History (100 Marks)

Part –I (Marks 50)

I. The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era (1789-1815)

  • The causes of French Revolution
  • The consequences of Revolution
  • Napoleon rise to power
  • Creation of Empire
  • The Continental system
  • The fall of Napoleon

II. The Concert of Europe (1815-1830)

  • The Congress of Vienna
  • Metternich Era
  • The Concert of Europe and Congress System
  • Balance of Power

III. Forces of Continuity and Change in Europe (1815-1848)

  • Nationalism
  • Liberalism
  • Romanticism
  • Socialism
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Colonialism
  • Consequences


IV. The Eastern Question (1804-1856)

  • The nature of the Eastern question
  • The Crimean War
  • Russo Turkish War 1877
  • Consequences

V. Unification of Italy

  • The effects of the revolution of 1848
  • The obstacles to unification
  • Cavour and the unification of Italy
  • The Process of Italian unification (1859-1871)

VI. Unification of Germany

  • The rise of Bismarck
  • Diplomatic events
  • The Austro-Prussian War (1866)
  • The Franco- Prussian War (1870-1871)
  • The triumph of Bismarck and process of unification

VII. The Origins of First World War (1890-1914)

  • Formation of Alliances and Counter Alliances
  • The Balkans War (1912-1913)
  • The outbreak of the World War I

Part –II (Marks 50)

VIII. The First World War and its aftermath

  • The War (1914-1918) and peace treaties
  • The League of Nations

IX. Dictatorships in Europe

  • Fascism in Italy under Mussolini
  • Hitler,Nazism and Germany
  • Russia , Marxism Revolution and its working under Stalin
  • Great Depression and its effects on Europe
  • Appeasement
  • The Arm race
  • The Sudetenland Crisis (1938)
  • The distraction of Czechoslovakia (1939)


X. The World War II and its effects on Europe

XI. Post- War Europe

  • The post war settlements
  • The United Nations
  • Economic Recovery of Europe,Marshal Plan
  • German Question
  • NATO
  • Decolonization

XII. Cold War Europe (1955-1991)

  • Effects of cold war
  • Warsaw Pact (1955)
  • The European Economic Community (EEC)
  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation Agreement
  • Charles De Gaulle and France
  • Spread of communist regimes in Europe

XIII. Europe (1991-2012)

  • The Gorbachev and Disintegration of USSR
  • The reunification of Germany
  • The Balkan crisis of 1990s
  • The European Union
  • Role of Europe in War against terrorism
  • Global Economic Crisis and Europe