European History KP PMS Paper I Syllabus

European History

Total Marks – 200

Paper I – (1789 – 1914)

Marks – 100

1. French Revolution: Background, Old Regime, Philosophers, Estate General, National Assembly, England’s reaction, parties in the Legislative Assembly, the fall of Monarchy, European coalition against France and the war, the second and the third partition of Poland, the Terror and the end of Terror, France and Europe 1793 – 95

2. Napoleon Bonaparte: The rise of Napoleon to power, Napoleon as emperor, statesman and warrior, Napoleon and Europe, the continental system, the fall of Napoleon, England’s role in the catastrophe of Napoleon

3. Vienna Settlement and concept of Europe: Treaty of Chaumont, First treaty of Paris, Second treaty of Paris, Treaty of Vienna, Holy Alliance, Quadruple Alliance, Congress system and failure of congress system, British leadership.

4. England 1814 – 1833: Effects of War Period, Constitutional Development, Progress in Industry, Agriculture & Culture

5. Europe 1815 to 1848: The forces of continuity and reaction, Metternich system, the force of change and progress, Nationalism, Democracy, Liberalism, Socialism, Revolution in France 1830, Revolution in France in 1848 and the sequence of revolutions in Europe

6. The Eastern Question 1820 to 1878: Background, the Greek Revolt 1820 to independence 1832, the Crimean War 1853 to 1856 and Peace Treaty of Paris, Pan Slavisin, the Russo-Turkish War 1877, the treaty of San Stefano, the Congress and the Treaty of Berlin 1878

7. Risorgimento and the Union of Italy: Revolutionary movements in Italy, Mazzini, Cavour and other architects of Italian unification, Napoleon III and Italian unity, foreign policy of Italy after unification to 1914

8. Unification of Germany: Background, Napoleon and Germany, Rise of Prussia, Zollverein, Revolution of 1848 and Germany, Rise of Bismarck and his role as architect of German unity, wars with Denmark, Austria and France, Domestic and foreign policy of Bismarck from 1870 to 1890, foreign policy of Germany from 1890 to 1914

9. The growth of colonization and of Overseas Empire 1815 – 92: Different forms of colonization, British colonial policy and expansion, French colonial policy and expansion, the French in North Africa, Suez Canal, Anglo French control in Egypt, Russia in the Caucasus and Turkistan, Anglo Russian results of colonial development

10. England 1893 to 1910: Social and constitutional reforms, material progress, social thought and culture

11. Road to the First World War: Alliances and counter alliances, Drickaiserbund, Austro German alliance 1879, Triple Alliance 1882, the formation of Dual Alliance 1891-93, Anglo-Japanese alliance, French British and Russo British Entente, their crisis – Algeciras, Bosnia, Agadir, German Navy, Baghdad Railway, Balkan Crisis, the cause of First World War
