Forestry CSS Paper 1997


Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100

Maximum Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Note: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including QUESTIONS NO. 8, which is COMPULSORY.

1 What is meant by agro-forestry? How does it support sustained irrigated agriculture in semi-arid subtropical climate of Pakistan?

2 What are, in your opinion, the essentials of a good Forest Policy? Give gross evaluation of Pakistan’s current Forest Policy.

3 Describe the essentials of a generalized wildlife habitat. What changes will you propose in Cholistan Desert for developing it into a good wildlife habitat?

4 Pothohar plateau of Northern Punjab is frequently described as potential meat basket of Pakistan. How can we practically convert it into such a basket under prevailing socio-economic set up?

5 Why is planning so vital in Forestry in particular? Give outlines of a good Forest Management Plan.

6 Characterise the watersheds of lake Mangla. Discuss how far classical management practices are applicable and effective here under current socio-economic and politico-administrative conditions.

7 Discuss major strategic measures for overcoming timber deficiency in Pakistan. Identify the real driving forces that will lead to self-sufficiency in this sector.


8 (A) Select the most appropriate answer.

(i) Coniferous wood largely consists of specialised cells called: (a) Cambial cells (b) Companion cells (c) Sieve tube cells (d) Fibre cells (e) Tracheids (f) vessels

(ii) Removal of unwanted trees during formative stage of a forest crop is the most important silvi cultural operation in: (a) High timber forestry (b) Fuel forestry (c) Agro forestry (d) Forage forestry

(iii) Literal movement of free water over the soil surface is called: (a) Infiltration (b) Seepage (c) Percolation (d) Run off (e) Through fall

(iv) Dominant tree species of Evergreen Thorny Scrub Forests are:
(a) Acacia nilotica (Kikar) and Tamarix aphylla (Farash)
(b) Dalbergia sissoo (Shisham) and Morus alba (Toot)
(c) Albizzia lebbek (Siris) and Prosopis Juliflora (Mesquite)
(d) Acacia modesta (Phulai) and Olea cuspidate (Kao).

(v) Forest weeding during early stages of tree crop development is:
(a) through from one end of the field to the other and complete i.e. each and every weed plant is completely uprooted/destroyed.
(b) Thorough and partial i.e. leading shoots of weed plants are removed.
(c) Localized around tree seedlings and complete.
(d) Localized

(B) Indicate if the following statements are true or false

(i) An animal unit (a cow weighing 450 kg.) is equivalent to 5 goats as far as feed consumption is concerned.
(i) Basal area of a tree is its cross-sectional area at ground level
(ii) For obtaining sustained yield from a forest, its annual harvest should always be equal or nearly equal to its estimated annual increment.
(iv) Pothohar tract is the eastern watershed of proposed Kalabagh Dam.
(v) Trees alone are the builders of degraded environment.

(C) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word(s)

(i) A forestation for timber and fuel production in blank patches and strips in cities is called …
(ii) Herbivores are those living organisms, which obtain their feed from …
(iii) The number of branch whorls on tree bole of Bombyx ceiba (Simal) is a reliable means of estimating it’s …
(iv) Sprouting of new branches from tree stumps of last year’s harvest is called …
(v) Delaying grazing of a range vegetation till after seed maturity is called …

(D) Make appropriate combination of each item in Column 1 with a suitable item in Column 2.

Column 1 Column 2
(i) Systematic presentation of Tree bole volumes based on different values of dbh and timber height Forest Management Table.
Log Table
Volume Table
Yield Table
(ii) Smallest permanent land unit of Forest management. Forest block
Felling Coupe
Forest Range.
(iii) Tree species suitable for salt-affected fallow farm fields in irrigated plains Populous deltoids (Popular)
Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Sufaida)
A triplex species (Salt bushes)
Dahlberg sissoo (Shisham)
(iv) A structure for reducing water velocity in a small nullah (baby-stream) for delayed discharge and for trapping sediments Gully plug
(v) A type of natural vegetation community that grows in river deltas and sea coasts Riparian flora
Mangrove forests
Alpine scrub forests
Tropical thorn forest