Forestry CSS Paper 1999





Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100

Note: Attempt FIVE question in all, including Question No. 8, which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point. Avoid writing irrelevant material for the sake of bulk. Organize your write up.

1 How will you promote the flow of intellect and capital in Forestry Sector? Discuss.

2 How will you ensure success in establishing tree saplings in difficult sites such as saline soils, water logged soils, eroded soils and arid Soils?

3 What do you mean by Shelter wood Silvicultural system? What are its plus points and where is it practiced in Pakistan?

4 Write short essays on the following. (i) Forest Roads (ii) Forest Working Plan (iii) National parks (iv) Forest Protection and grazing

5 What do you mean by Social Forestry? How does it support healthy and sustained crop production in hot semi-arid climate of Pakistan?

6 Briefly describe the principles of Watershed management. What peculiarities make this land use more difficult to manage than other prevailing land uses?

7 Describe very briefly “broad guide lines” that govern the management of either grazing lands or our wild lands. Why our management is not so effective?


8. (A) Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Don’t reproduce the question.

(i) Wood largely consists of specialized cells called: (a) Sieve tube cell, companion cells (b) Cambial cells (c) Cortex cells (d) Ray cells (e) Vessels, trachieds, fibre cells

(ii) Removal of lower lateral branches during early formative stage of a tree is an important silvicultural operation in: (a) Agro forestry (b) Fuel forestry (c) Landscape Forestry (d) Shelterbelt (Linear) Forestry

(iii) Lateral movement of free water under the force of gravity through the soil surface is called: (a) run off (b) Percolation (c) Infiltration (d) Seepage e) Interception.

(iv) Prominent tree species in Riverain forests are:

(a) Dalbergia sissco, Acacia nilotica, Prosopis cineraria and Tamarix dioica.
(b) Acacia modesta, Olea cuspidate, Nerium odorum.
(c) Prosopis juliplora, Capparisaphylla, Salvadora Oleoioles.
(d) Pinus roxburghi, Juniperous macropoda, Juglans regia.
(e) Cedrus deodara, Pinus wallichiane, Pinus gerardiana.

(v) The practice of the Forestry during early stages of tree crop establishment is carried out:

(a) completely removing or uprooting very weed plant in the forest.
(b) beheading all the weed plants i.e. removing shoots in the entire forest.
(c) completely removing only those weed plants which and each tree sapling.
(d) simply beheading only those weed plants that particularly damage tree saplings.

(B) Write only true or false in the Answer Book. Don’t reproduce the questions:

(vi) Five sheep are equal to one animal unit as for as their feed requirements are concerned.
(vii) Basal area of a tree is cross sectional area of its bole at mid point.
(viii) Pothohar tract is the watershed of Rivers Jhelum and Chenab.
(ix) Trees and grasses together are the best guardian of sloping soils against water erosion.
(x) For obtaining maximum regular yields from a forest, it should first of all be developed and converted into a normal forest.

(C) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word(s). Write only the correct word(s) in the answer book. Don’t reproduce the question:

(xi) Grazing of livestock in the cultivated farm area is called…
(xii) Carnivores are those animals and birds which procure their food from..
(xii) The number of concentric growth layers visible in the cross section of a conifer tree stem are a reliable means of estimating it’s…
(xiv) Postponing the grazing of range vegetation till after its seed setting is called…
(xv) A well-managed protected suitably vegetated habitat for promoting wildlife is called…..

(D) Make appropriate combination of each item in column 1 with a suitable item in column 2:

Column 1 Column 2
(xvi) A tree species suitable for saline soils Acacia nilotica populus
Emphatic Salix tetra sperma
Leptochloa fusca Atriplex
(xvii) A civil structure for diverting the flow of water in a river Dyke Sunken Spur Dam
Gully Plug Barrage
Head works
(xviii) Types of roots that remerge again and again as finger like projections in coastal salt marshes Prop roots Aerial roots
pneumatophores Still roots
(xix) A structure on sloping ground for conserving rain water for growing farm crops in fields Eye brow pits Mounds
Terraces Contour trenches
Discontinuous ridges.
(xx) Tabular presentation of all basic parameters such as height, dbh, volume biomass, value etc. of different age intervals of a developing forest crop. Volume Table, Management
Table, Yield Table, Stock
Table, Log Table, Random