Geography CSS Paper I 1999



Note: Attempt FIVE questions including Question No. 8, which is Compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Illustrate your answers with sketches and in all diagrams where necessary.

1 Condensation takes place when moist air is cooled to, or below its dew point temperature.

(a) Name four types of condensation, two at ground level, and two above ground level.

(b) For each type of condensation named in (a) discuss the conditions that are necessary for its formation.

2 What are typhoons? How are they caused and what makes them different from the temperate depressions?

3 What is a Desert Climate? Briefly state the different types of desert found on the surface of the Earth?

4 Describe the various theories of crustal structure and movement.

5 What are the external forces acting on the earth’s surface and what are their resultant features?

6 What are ocean currents? Discuss the factors which may account for their occurrence and also describe their effect on the surrounding regions.

7 Write short notes on the following: (a) Planetary Winds (b) Glacial Topography (c) Cycle of Erosion (d) Inversion of temperature


8 Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Don’t reproduce the questions

(i) On a 1:50,000 map, village A and B are 4.5 cm apart. What is the real distance in Km? (a) 1 1/4 km (b) 1 1/2 km (c) 2 1/4 km (d) 2 1/2 km

(i) To show the distribution of Population of Pakistan, we should use: (a) shade method (b) dot method (c) isopleth (d) bar graph (e) pie graph

(iii) The strength of wave action depends on all these EXCEPT: (a) Currents in the sea (b) wind strength (c) length of fetch (d) depth of coastal water (e) height of waves

(iv) Bore is caused by: (a) rising tide while meeting river current (b) friction form prevailing winds (c) spring tide and strong winds (d) unequal heating of oceans

(v) Which of these is not a metamorphic rock? (a) quartzite (b) slate (c) shale (d) schist (e) marble

(vi) Earthquakes are vibrations associated with all the following EXCEPT: (a) subduction of rock during the collision of crustal plates (b) volcanic eruption (c) subsidence of a geosyncline (d) movement along major faults

(vii) Biological weathering occurs in the ways EXCEPT: (a) joint widening by roots (b) honeycomb weathering (c) reaction with humic acid animal (d) reaction with plant and solution

(viii) Which of these is a process of transportation in a river? (a) solution (b) corrosion (c) attrition (d) deposition

(ix) A canyon is a large form of: (a) dry valley (b) gorge (c) pediment (d) bad land

(x) What kind of weathering takes place on the yalley side above the surface of the glacier? (a) plucking (b) abrasion (c) chemical weathering (d) frost shattering

(xi) Which of the statements about the Troposphere is not true?

(a) It contains 85-90%% of the atmosphere’s mass

(b) It contains nearly all the water and oxygen of the atmosphere

(c) Itis the zone which exhibits changes in condition of weather

(d) It is about 350 km thick

(xii) A wind which reverses seasonally is known as ___ wind: (a) trade (b) cyclonic c) monsoon (d) polar

(xiii) The Stevenson Screen contains all of these EXCEPT: (a) wet bulb thermometer (b) maximum thermometer (c) anemometer (d) minimum thermometer (e) ordinary thermometer

(xiv) Weather describes the condition of ____ at any one time: (a) the earth (b) the land surface (c) the atmosphere (d) the ionosphere (e) space

(xv) Temperature increases with increasing altitude by 10 °C for every ___ rise: (a) 100m (b) 150m (c) 165m (d) 250m (e) 250m

(xvi) When a warm air is lifted off the surface in temperate depression, it is called: (a) an occlusion (b) a cold front (c) an anticyclone (d) a warm front

(xvii) Afternoon rains in the equatorial region are the result of influences: (a) convectional (b) monsoon (c) frontal (d) land breeze

(xviii) Mediterranean region are useful for all these EXCEPT: (a) tourism (b) forestry (c) fruit growing (d) wine production (e) wheat growing

(xix) The best projection to suit the map of Pakistan is: (a) simple cylindrical (b) conical (c) zenithal (d) conventional (e) Mercator’s