Geography KP PMS Paper II Syllabus

Total Marks – 200

Paper II

Human, Economic and Regional Geography
Marks – 100

  1. Human Geography: Man and his habitat – concepts of environmentalism and possibilism, world population distribution, structure and growth (natural increase and migration), world, society and culture, races, languages and religions, levels of education and welfare. Settlements – rural and urban, characteristics and problems of urban places. Population / resource regions

  2. Economic geography: Economic activities – primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary activity – agricultural systems, substinence, intensive, extensive, mechanized and mixed farming. Production, distribution and trade of major cereal and non-cereal crops. Forests and fisheries. Power resources. Major industries – iron and steel, textiles and chemical industries, politicoeconomic relationship between the more developed and the less developed countries

  3. Regional geography: Economic and social regions of the world, regional geography of South Asia with special reference to Pakistan under the following heads: Resource Base (Human, Physical And Economic) Transport, Trade and International Relations
