Geology CSS Paper I 2009

NOTE: (i) First attempt PART-I (MCQ) on separate Answer Sheet which shall be taken back after 30 minutes.
(ii) Overwriting/cutting of the options/answers will not be given credit.

Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (20)
(i) Which of the following is a part of the definition of a mineral?
(a) a liquid that may become solid
(b) man-made
(c) definite chemical composition
(d) unorganized structure
(e) All of these
(ii) Which of the following minerals are arranged in order of increasing hardness?
(a) talc, apatite, corundum, diamond
(b) topaz, quartz, fluorite, corundum
(c) talc, quartz, calcite, diamond
(d) quartz, topaz, diamond, fluorite
(e) fluorite, calcite, gypsum, talc
(iii) How do the crystal structures of micas and feldspars differ from each other?
(a) feldspars are framework silicates, micas are double chain silicates
(b) feldspars are double chain silicates, micas are sheet silicates
(c) micas and feldspars have the same crystalline structure
(d) feldspars are single chain silicates, micas are double chain silicates
(e) micas are sheet silicates, feldspars are framework silicates
(iv) “Sima” is a general term used to refer to:
(a) rocks of the ocean basins
(b) rocks of the continents
(c) None of these
(d) all rocks that compose Earth’s crust
(e) rocks that compose the crust of terrestrial planets
(v) Which of the following parameters influences the viscosity of magma?:
(a) temperature of the magma (b) oxygen content of the magma
(c) depth of the magma beneath Earth’s surface (d) quantity of minerals in the magma
(e) all of these
(vi) The Continuous Series of Bowen’s Reaction Series is composed of minerals.
(a) with different chemical compositions but the same mineral structures
(b) with different chemical compositions and different mineral structures
(c) with similar chemical compositions and different mineral structures
(d) with similar chemical compositions and similar mineral structures
(e) None of these
(vii) Plutonic igneous rocks always have:
(a) olivine, calcium feldspar, pyroxene (b) amphibole, sodium feldspar, biotite
(c) quartz, muscovite, potassium feldspar (d) phaneritic texture
(e) None of these
(viii) Weathering processes:
(a) only affect igneous rocks (b) only affect sedimentary rocks
(c) affect all rocks at Earth’s surface (d) do not adversely affect rocks
(e) cannot be observed directly at Earth’s surface.
(ix) Mud cracks preserved in sedimentary rocks:
(a) are indicative of arid environments characterized by occasional rain
(b) occur only in rain forests
(c) occur whenever plants germinate in rocks
(d) have never been observed in nature
(x) Which of the following lists is arranged in order from lowest to highest grade of metamorphic rock?
(a) gneiss, slate, schist, phyllite (b) gneiss, schist, phyllite, slate
(c) slate, gneiss , phyllite, schist (d) slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss
(e) phyllite, gneiss, slate, schist
(xi) The asthenosphere is:
(a) that portion of Earth where rocks behave as brittle solids
(b) that portion of Earth where rocks behave as plastic solids
(c) that portion of Earth where rocks behave as fluids
(d) that portion of Earth where rocks can be found
(e) None of these
(xii) Which of the following is associated with continent-continent convergent plate boundaries?
(a) explosive volcanism (b) andesite volcanism (c) large, damaging earthquakes
(d) volcanic mountain chain (e) All of these
(xiii) An example of a convergent plate boundary is:
(a) the Ouachita Mountains (b) the Appalachian Mountains (c) the Himalaya Mountains
(d) the Cascade Mountains (e) All of these
(xiv) The strike of a layer is:
(a) the angle at which that layer intercepts a horizontal surface
(b) the degree to which the layer has compressed during mountain building
(c) a line formed by the intersection of the layer with the Earth’s surface
(xv) An anticline is a structure in which:
(a) the oldest rock layers are located at the top of the structure
(b) the rock layers dip away from the axis of the structure
(c) rock layers are down warped
(d) All of these
(xvi) The V-shaped outcrop pattern of a plunging syncline will:
(a) be tilted (b) close in the direction of plunge
(c) open in the direction of plunge (d) not be observed
(e) point toward the axis
(xvii) Which of the following is not a feature of an anticline?
(a) youngest rocks on the flanks (b) oldest rocks near the axis (c) layers dip toward the axis
(d) upwarped rock layers (e) All of these
(xviii) Which of the following is not a principle used in relative dating?
(a) the Principle of Superposition (b) the Principle of Original Horizontality
(c) the Principle of Faunal Succession (d) the Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships
(e) The Theory of Evolution
(xix) What is the half-life of a radioactive element?
(a) the time required for one-half of a given quantity of the element to decay to its daughter element
(b) the time required for all of the radioactive element to decay to its daughter element
(c) half of the time required for a given quantity of the element to decay to its daughter element
(d) the time required for the radioactive element to decay half of the time
(e) if you observe a radioactive element, half the time it decays, half the time it doesn’t
(xx) The Principle of Faunal Succession states that:
(a) fossils preserved in rock layers are less complex in older rocks
(b) the Theory of Evolution is proven by the succession of fossils observed in rocks
(c) the fossil record of life proves that life has succeeded on Earth
(d) it is unlikely that life could have succeeded on other planets
(e) None of these
(i) PART-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
Q.2. How many Tectonic Plate Boundaries are found? Describe them briefly with emphasis to Indian Plate. (20)
Q.3. Describe Volcanic processes in detail with emphasis to volcanic activity in Indus and Balochistan Basins. (20)
Q.4. What do you understand with rock failure theory? Describe various features result due tectonic forces. (20)
Q.5. What importance has micro fossils in stratigraphy? Give the Classification of Phylum Sarcodina up to Family level. (20)
Q.6. Describe the succession (Various Formations) of Mesozoic Era from Salt Range. (20)
Q.7. Describe principal types of metamorphic rocks in details. (20)
Q.8. Define/describe briefly the following terms: (20)
(i) Horst and Graben Fault (ii) Range Fossils (1 each)
(iii) Law of superposition (iv) Lithosphere
(v) Type section (vi) Continental Rise
(vii) Disconformity (viii) Jhlum Group
(ix) Alluvial Fan (x) Jasper
(xi) Moh’s Scale (xii) Differential Weathering
(xiii) Primary structures (xiv) Meandering Stream
(xv) Detritus Rocks (xvi) Geosyncline
(xvii) Petrifaction (xviii) Panel Diagram
(xix) Transform Fault (xx) Graded Bedding