General Knowledge KP Civil Judges Judicial Magistrates Paper 2015


Competitive Examination for Civil Judges cum Judicial Magistrates 2015

General Knowledge

Time Allowed: 03 Hours Max Marks: 150

Note: The candidates can answer the Questions in English or Urdu.

Note: Q. No. 1 and 2 are compulsory. Further, attempt any two questions from Each Section B and C. Be brief and exact.

Section A

Q. No. 1.

  1. Explain the following; (10)

a. Conduction b. Barometer c. Cup Anemometer d. Centrifugal Force e. Fluorescent f. Metamorphism g. Enzymes h. Spectrum i. Refrigeration j Artemisinin

  1. Why table sail is a useful material? (2)

  2. Why a plastic drink bottle filled to the top with water and put into a freezer will sometime split? (2)

  3. Which gas in the atmosphere is the most abundant and most important to life? Give its quantity in percentage. (2)

  4. What is photosynthesis? (2)

  5. Why do two magnates sometimes repeal each other? (2)

Q. No 2. Briefly answer any five questions; (5×6=30)

i. Gilgit-Baltistan is having a governor and a chief minister but it is not a province. What is the constitutional status of Gilgit-Baltistan?

ii. What are the main provisions of Objectives Resolution?

iii. What these abbreviations stand for; a. IPP b. WAPDA c. IAEA d. AIDS e. PEMRA f. UNHCHR

iv. What was the Separate Electorate System in British India, how it was originated and treated In different constitutional acts in the pre-Independence period and how it was received by the Congress and Muslim League?

v. Give names, abbreviations and headquarters of five regional organizations in the Asian Continent.

vi. Name the authors of the following books;

a. Awaz-i-Dost b. Udass Naslain c. Taddabur-i-Quran d. The Sole Spokesman, Jinnah, the Muslim League and Demand of Pakistan e. The Indus Saga f. Anna Karenina

vii. What is the Basic Democracy System of General Ayub Khan?

Section B

Q. No 3. CPEC is considered to be a game-changer in the region. How? What internal and external challenges you foresee for this mega project? (25)

Q. No 4. Discuss the origin, challenges, and sustainable solution of the energy crisis in Pakistan. (25)

Q. No 5. The Arab Spring began in hope, but ended in desolation. Comment. (25)

Q. No 6. TAPI can take off if funds are provided by private partners and institutions, the pipeline route is secured by Afghan government and Taliban, and Pakistan and India bury their hatchet to’ the sake of a deal. Elaborate. (25)

Section C

Q No 7. The failure in the war of 1857 posed challenges to the Muslims in Indo-Pak Subcontinent. How did the Muslim leadership respond to these challenges? (25)

Q. No 8. Khilafat Movement affected the Muslim freedom struggle more than any other event in the first half of the 20th century. Do you agree? (25)

Q. No 9. “Democratic institutions will be stable and successful if three to five consecutive, fair elections took place in Pakistan.” What do you see the political stability in recent years in Pakistan? (25)

Q. No 10. Pakistan is winning the war on terrorism but it is still far away to win the war against extremism. What do you think? (25)