Governance and Public Policies CSS Syllabus Suggested Readings



S. No. Titles Author
1. Governance Anne Mette Kjær
2. Encyclopedia of Governance, Volume 2 Mark Bevir
3. Implementing Public Policy: Governance in Theory and in Practice. Hill M. and Hupe P.
4. Accountability: Managing for Maximum Results Sam R LLyod
5. Guidance for Good Governance: Explorations in Qur’anic, Scientific & Cross-Cultural Approaches Abdullah Ahsan&

Stephen Bonsal Young

6. How Governments Work Muzaffar A. Ghaffaar
7. Government and Administration in Pakistan Dr Jamil-ur Rehman
8. Public Administration With Special Reference To Pakistan Dr Sultan Khan
9. Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, National Assembly of Pakistan
10. Pakistan: Beyond the Crisis State Maleeha Lodhi
11. Power Dynamics, Institutional Instability and Economics Growth: The Case of Pakistan Akmal Hussain
12. Federalism and Rights Ellis Katz and G Allan Tarr
13. Local Government Reforms in Pakistan: Context, Content and Causes Ali Chmeema, Asim Ijaz Khawaja and Adnan Qadir
14. Economics Democracy Through Pro Poor Growth PonnaWignaraja, Akmal Hussain Susil Sirivardana
15. Governance: South Asian Perspective Hasnat Abdul Hye
16. Governance, Economic Policy and Reform in Pakistan AbdusSamad
17. “Pakistan—Problems of Governance,” 1993. Hussain, M., Hussain. A.
  18. “Pakistan’s Predicament: The Diagnostic and the Debates within,” Journal of Pakistan Vision, 13/1


Racine, Jean-Luc.
  19. The Culture of Power and Governance of Pakistan—1947-2008, Oxford, 2010. Niaz, I.
  20. “Legitimacy and the Administrative State: Ontology, History, and Democracy,” Public Administration Quarterly, UC Berkeley, 2013. Bevir, M.,
  21. Handbook of Public Policy Analysis Frank Fischer, Gerald J. Miller, and Mara S. Sidney,
  22. Public Policy: Politics, Analysis, and Alternatives, 4th Ed., CQ Press, 2012 Kraft, Michael E., Scott R. Furlong
  23. Public Policy in An Uncertain World,: Analysis and Decisions, Harvard, 2013 Manski, Charles F.
