History of Pakistan and India CSS Syllabus Suggested Readings



1. Political Parties in Pakistan: 1947-58 Afzal, M Rafique, 1986
2. Government & Politics in Pakistan Ahmad, Mushtaq, 1970
3. Party Politics in Pakistan: 1947-58 Aziz, K.K. 1976
4. India’s Struggle for Independence Chandra Bipin, 1989
5. Constitutional Development in Pakistan Chaudhary, G.W. 1959
6. Wavell and the Days of the Raj: Britain’s Penultimate Viceroy in India, Chawla, Muhammad Iqbal, 2011
7. Nationalism and Communal Politics in India. Hassan Mushirul 1991
8. The Charismatic Leader: Jinnah and the Creation of Pakistan Hayat, Sikandar, 2007
9. The Culture of Power and Governance of Pakistan 1947-2008 Ilhan Niaz, 2011
10. Muslim Civilization of Indo-Pakistan. Ikram, Shaikh Muhammad, 1966
11. Pakistan’s Failure in National Integration Jahan, Rounaq, 1972
12. Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan Khan, Hamid, 2005
13. The Muslim Politics in Punjab Qalb-i-Abid ,S, 1992
14. The Muslim Community of the Indo-Pak Qureshi Ishtiaq Husain, 1962
15. The Struggle for Pakistan Qureshi, Ishtiaq Husain, 1965
16. Pakistan: The Formative Phase Sayeed, Khalid Bin, 1968
17. The Military and Politics in Pakistan 1947-86 Rizvi Hassan Askari
18. Pakistan A Modern History Talbot, Ian, 1999
19. Politics and the State in Pakistan Waseem, Mohammad, 1989
20. Jinnah of Pakistan Wolpert, Stanley, 1984
