Syllabus for the post of Assistant Superintendent of Police/Assistant Commissioner /Section officer and Non- Technical General Cadre posts (BPS-17).
(Written Tests)
Islamiat (Marks 250)
- Islamiyat
- Paper – I Islamic History – 100 marks
- Paper –II Islamic Fiqa, Hidiya Translation and Explanation of Holy Verses. – 150 marks
Islamiat Paper “A” Part – 1
- Topic 01. Basic Principles of Islam
- a. Articles of Faith
- b. The Concept & Spirit of Tauheed.
- c. Finality of Prophet hood
- d. Practices of Islam
- Topic 02. Outlines of Islamic History:-
- a. The Holy Prophet of Islam (ﷺ): Perfect personality, Main events of His life, Conception of Sunnah.
- b. Brief Survey of the following: Khulafa-e- Rashidain ), Ummayyads, Abbasides, Muslim in Spain & North-Africa, post-moghol, Muslim Period (Persia, Ottoman, turks, Muslim in Indo-Pakistan Sub-content), Islam in the 19th & 20th Centuries. The World of Islam today.
Islamiat Paper “B” Part – II
- Topic 03. The Holy Quran & Hidiyas, Salient Characteristics: –
- a. Its Revelation and Compilation.
- b. Certain Basic Principles:
- i. Duty towards Allah (Submission to his Laws)
- ii. Duty towards Society (Equality, Justice, Haqooqul ebad, Honesty intelectural as well as financials).
- iii. Duty towards nature Understanding (through experimentation) conquest & domination of the forces of nature in the service of Allah.
- iv. Duty towards self: Moral Development & purification with an object to serve God’s people.
- c. Certain Injunctions:
- i. Wealth- The permitted way of earning illegal gratification – distribution – Zakaat, Inheritance, Charity, Waqf Interest, giving away of spare wealth.
- ii. Concept of love in Islam.
- iii. Women: Marriage, Divorce, Polygamy, right to Inherit, Treatment, Education of all human necessity, position of women in Islamic Society.
- iv. Administration: Power a trust-selection of an administration, Efficiency and Honesty.
- Topic 04. The Application of Islamic teachings to Socio-Economic development in the 20 century.