S.No. | Titles | Author |
1. | Discovering Islam—Making Sense of Muslim History and Society | Ahmad, Akbar |
2. | Islam: Ideology and Leading Issues | Ali, Anwar. |
3. | The Spirit of Islam | Ali, S. Ameer |
4. | Aspects of Islamic Civilization: The Muslim World Depicted Through Its Literature | Arberry, A. J. |
5. | The Preaching of Islam — A History of the Muslim Faith | Arnold,T.W. |
6. | The History of Philosophy in Islam | Boer,T. J. De. |
7. | The History of Islamic Peoples | Brockelmann, Carl (ed) |
8. | Spanish Islam | Reinhart Dozy |
9. | Studies on the Civilization of Islam | Gibb,Ham |
10. | The Religion of Islam, Vol. I & II | Gaqwash,Ahmad A. |
11. | Classical Islam: A History 600—1258 | Grunebaum,G.EVoni |
12. | Cambridge History of Islam | Holts, P. M. and Lewis, Bernard. |
13. | Islam Resurgent: The Islamic World Today | Irving,T.B. |
14. | Islam: From Prophet Mohammad to the Capture of Constantinople. | Lewis, Bernard |
15. | Islamic History. | Munir, Muhammad |
16. | Islam and The Modern World | Nadvi, Abu Hasan Ali. |
17. | The Making of the Past: the Spread of Islam | Rogers, Michael |
18. | A History of Medieval Islam | Saunders, J.J. |
19. | Introduction to Islamic Civilization | Savory, R.M. (ed) |
20. | The Legacy of Islam | Schacht, Joseph & Bosworth, C.E (eds) |
21. | Islamic History—A New Interpretation AD 750—1055 | Shaban, M.A. |
22. | The Abbasid Revolution | Shaban, M.A. |
23. | A History of Muslim Philosophy | Sharif, M.M. |
24. | Muslim Thought :Its Origin and Achievements | Nadvi Muhammad Hanif |
25. | Studies in Islamic History | Siddiqi, Amir Hassan. |
26. | The Revolution which Toppled the Umayyads Neither Arab nor Abbasid | Agha, Saleh Said |
27. | Sirat un Nabi Vol. I & II | Noumani, Shibli |
28. | Rasool-e-Akram ki Siasi Zindagi | Hamidullah, Dr. Muhammad |