Mass Communication Punjab PMS Paper II 2016
Combined Competitive Examination for Recruitment to the Posts of Provincial Management Service, ETC. – 2016
Subject: Mass Communication Paper II
NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. Attempt in English or Urdu language. All questions carry equal marks.
Q No. 1: How would you define and explain communication? Write a comprehensive note on the process of communication. (6+14 Marks)
Q No. 2: How can the right of access to information bring transparency in the functioning of Government and its organizations? Does this reconcile with the right to privacy of individuals? (20 Marks)
Q No. 3: What is journalism and development journalism? Do you agree that journalism is playing a significant role in the development of Pakistan? Discuss with examples. (6+14 Marks)
Q No. 4: Every advertising and public relations campaign commences with research. Do you agree or not? Argue. (10+10 Marks)
Q No. 5. What strategy will you evolve as Public Relations Officer to counter print and electronic media challenges while rendering your professional duty? (20 Marks)
Q No. 6: What do you know about Two-Step Flow of Communication? Also, discuss the role of opinion leaders in this concept. (10+10 Marks)
Q No. 7: Write short notes on:- (7+7+6 Marks)
a. Difference between Development Communication and Development Support Communication.
b. Difference between Public Relations and Propaganda.
c. Difference between Advertising and Publicity.