Zoology KP PMS Paper I Syllabus

Zoology Total Marks – 200 Paper I – Invertebrate and chordate zoology Marks – 100 The candidates will be required to attempt five questions – three from Part A and two from Part b Part A Invertebrate General organization (general morphology, mode of life, adaptations, life cycles and economic importance) of the following groups with…

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Punjabi CSS Syllabus

پنجابی کل نمبر 100 الف۔ زبان تے زبان دی تاریخ۔ کل نمبر 15 1. پنجابی بولی دا پچھوکڑ۔ محمد آصف خان 2. پنجابی لسانیات۔ ڈاکٹر شہباز ملک 3. پنجابی ادب دی کہانی۔ عبدالغفور قریشی ب۔ کلاسیکی شاعری کل نمبر 15 1. شلوک فریدی۔ بابا فرید گنج شکر 2. کافیاں شاہ حسین۔ شاہ حسین 3. سی…

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Punjabi Punjab PMS Paper II Syllabus

دوسرا پرچہ کل نمبر 100 1. پنجابی زبان و ادب کی تاریخ۔ نمبر 20 1.1.  پنجابی زبان دا پچھوکڑ 1.2. پنجابی زبان ا تے دوجیاں زباناں دا اثر 1.3. پنجابی ادب دی تاریخ 1.4. پنجابی تنقید تےتحقیق دی ٹور 2. لوک ادب۔ نمبر 10 2.1. لوک گیت 2.2. لوک کہانی 2.3. پنجابی اکھان 3. داستانی…

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Forestry KP PMS Syllabus

Forestry Total Marks – 100 1. Ecology and general silviculture 2. Forest statistics, Mensuration and research methods 3. Forest Management and Economics 4. Water Shed management 5. Range management 6. Forests surveying and Engineering 7. Forest policy, law and protection 8. Forest biology, wildlife and natural park management 4,109 Views

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Economics KP PMS Paper I Syllabus

Economics Total Marks – 200 Paper I Marks – 100 1. Micro Economics: Consumer Behaviour, Determination of market demand and supply, theory of the Firm, producer’s equilibrium pricing of the factors of production 2. Macro Economics: Basic economic concepts, National Income Accounting, consumption function and multiplier, determination of equilibrium level of income and output, inflation…

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Economics KP PMS Paper II Syllabus

Economics Total Marks 200 Paper II Marks – 100 Pakistan’s Economy 1. Definition and measurement of development, characteristics of under development, rethinking on the concept of development, Growth vs. Redistributive Justice, absolute and relative poverty, basic needs approach 2. Planning experience of Pakistan: A critical evaluation of the strategy of economic planning 3. Agricultural development…

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Computer Science KP PMS Syllabus

Computer Science Total Marks – 100 Candidates will be asked to attempt total five questions. They will attempt at least one question from each section. Each question will carry 20 marks. Section A Computer Architecture: Introduction to modern machine Architecture, Storage Hierarchy, Main / Virtual / Cache / Secondary memory, CPU, ALU, Peripheral communication, designing…

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Chemistry KP PMS Paper II Syllabus

Chemistry Total Marks – 200 Paper II Marks – 100 1. Theory of chemical bonding – Elements of Valence bond and molecular orbital theories (idea of bonding, non-bonding and anti-bonding orbitals), Sigma and Pi bonds. Hybridization, Shape of molecules 2. Chemical kinetics – Rate law and its determination Order of reaction, Experimental methods, Temperature Dependence…

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Chemistry KP PMS Paper I Syllabus

Chemistry Total Marks – 200 Paper I Marks – 100 1. Atomic structure – Quantum theory, Schrodinger equation, Particle in box, hydrogen atom, hydrogen molecule ion, hydrogen molecule, Theories of hydrogen and metallic bonding 2. Electrochemistry – Ionic equilibria, theory of strong electrolytes, Cbye-Huckel theory of activity coefficients, galvanic cells, membrane equilibria and fuel cells….

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Botany KP PMS Paper II Syllabus

Botany Total Marks – 200 Paper II Marks – 100 1. Plant physiology: Plant water relations, osmotic quantities, absorptions, transpiration, role of essential mineral elements, their uptake and distribution, growth and development, plant hormones, photoperiodism, vernalization, Dormancy and Seed germination. Biochemistry of carbohydrates, proteins and fats with reference to plants. Enzymes, plant pigments, photophosphorylation, path…

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