Forestry CSS Paper 2003

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS – 17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 2003. FORESTRY TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS:100 NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including question No. 8 which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry EQUAL marks. Write clearly. 1. Briefly describe the following: (A) Uniform Shelterwood System…

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Forestry CSS Paper 2002

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS – 17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 2002. FORESTRY TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS:100 NOTE: Attempt any 5 questions in all including Q No.8, which is compulsory. Avoid writing irrelevant material for the sake of bulk. Q.1 Suggest suitable strategic measures separately for…

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Forestry CSS Paper 2001

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS – 17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 2001. FORESTRY TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS:100 NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including question No. 8 which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry EQUAL marks. Avoid writing irrelevant material for the sake of bulk. Organize your…

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Forestry CSS Paper 2000

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN B.P.S. – 17, UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 2000 Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100 NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including Question No. 8, which is Compulsory. All question carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point. Avoid writing irrelevant material. Organize…

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Sociology Balochistan PCS Syllabus

Total Marks 150 SOCIOLOGY Definition, Scope and methods of Sociology, Study of social problems population, rate relations, disorganization of families, crime etc. History of social thought etc. Social structures like Government, Family etc. Community and community organization with study of Ecology and group relationship, Family, Marriage and Population problems with special reference to social problems…

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