Pakistan Affairs CSS Paper 2008


Note: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) All the parts (if any) of each Question must be attempted at one place instead of at different places.
(iv) Candidate must write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q. Paper.
(v) No page/Space be left blank between the answers. All the blank pages of Answer Book must be crossed.
(vi) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.



Q.1 Select the best option/Answer and fill in the appropriate Box on the Answer Sheet. (20)
i. Mahmud of Ghazni waged war against rebellious India in the year of: a. 900 b. 1000 c. 1100 d. None of these
ii. Shahab-ud-Din Muhammad Ghuri defeated Pirthviraj in the year 1192 in the field of: a. Panipat b. Nagpur c. Tarori d. None of these
iii. Qutb-ud-Din Aibak was succeeded on Delhi throne by: a. Aram Shah b. Iltumish c. Razia Sultana d. None of these
iv. The downfall of Muslim rule in India started with the demise of: a. Akbar b. Aurangzeb c. Bahadur Shah Zafar d. None of these
v. The Holy Quran was first translated into Persian by: a. Shah Ismail Shaheed b. Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi c. Shah Waliullah d. None of these
vi. Anjuman-e-Islamia Punjab was founded for the renaissance of Islam in the year: a. 1849 b. 1859 c. 1869 d. None of these
vii. “Pakistan’s Constitution should incorporate the essential principles of Islam, which are as good and relevant in our day, as were 1300 years ago. But Pakistan should not be a theocratic
state ruled by priests.” This statement was given by: a. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan b. Allama Iqbal c. Quaid-e-Azam d. None of these
viii. Who was appointed first President of Muslim league? a. Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk b. Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk c. Nawab Saleem Ullah d. None of these
ix. Who divided Bengal into East and West Bengal in July 1905? a. Lord Curzon b. Lord Minto c. Lord Morely d. None of these
x. Dyarchy was first introduced in the Act of: a. 1909 b. 1919 c. 1935 d. None of these.
xi. The resolution of non-cooperation with British Government was passed in the meeting of All India National Congress in 1920, which was held at: a. Madras b. Bomby c. Nagpur d. None of these
xii. The Simon Commission arrived in India on: a. 3rd February, 1927 b. 3rd February, 1928 c. 3rd February, 1929 d. None of these
xiii. The British Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald announced the Communal Award in 1932 at the end of: a. First Round Table Conference b. Second Round Table Conference c. Third Round Table Conference d. None of these
xiv. All India Muslim League observed the “Direct Action Day” on: a. August 6, 1944 b. August 6, 1945 c. August 6, 1946 d. None of these.
xv. Objective Resolution was passed by the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on: a. March 12, 1947 b. March 12, 1948 c. March 12, 1949 d. None of these
xvi. With regard the division of power between Federation and Provinces the Constitution of Pakistan (1962) was provided with: a. Single list of subjects b. Two lists of subjects c. Three lists of subjects d. None of these
xvii. The height of Pakistan’s highest mountain Pak-Godwin Austin is as high as: a. 26, 250 ft b. 27, 250 ft c. 28, 250 ft d. None of these
xviii. The Government of Pakistan established the Indus River System Authority in the year: a. 1960 b. 1970 c. 1980 d. None of these
xix. Under the Indus Water Treaty of 1960 Pakistan has the right to use exclusively the water of: a. Ravi, Sutleg and Chenab b. Sutleg, Chenab and Jhelum c. Chenab, Jhelum and Indus d. None of these
xx. At present Pakistan has vast natural resources and items of mineral as many as: a. 14 items b. 15 items c. 16 items d. None of these.

Part II

Q.2. What influence Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi has left on the history of Muslims of India? Discuss critically. (20)
Q.3. Aligarh Movement injected a new life in the dead body of the Muslim nation and helped to regain its lost glory and prestige. Discuss. (20)
Q.4. Quaid-e-Azam was the ambassador of “Hindu-Muslim Unity”. Discuss it in perspective of Lukhnow Pact and what future vision depicted from the pact? (20)
Q.5. The proposals of “Cabinet Mission” (1946) could defer the establishment of Pakistan, if accepted by Muslim League. Evaluate Critically. (20)
Q.6. The Constitution of Pakistan (1973) is the “mouth piece of Islam”. Discuss. (20)
Q.7. What is “Judicial Activism”? Has it brought Pak-Judiciary in the state of morality in the recent past? Give suggestion for the independence of Judiciary. (20)
Q.8. What are principal industries of Pakistan and what problems Government of Pakistan is facing for its industrial development? (20)