Principles of Engineering Punjab PMS Paper I Syllabus Recommended Books


  1. Electrical Technology (Vol I, Vol II) by B.L. Theraja

  2. Electronic Devices and Circuits by Bogart.

  3. DC Machines by P.C. Sen

  4. Semiconductors by Manzar Saeed

  5. Modern Digital and Analog Communication by B.P.Lathi

  6. Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits by Paynter

  7. Network analysis, by Van Belkernberg.

  8. Wireless Communication by Willium Stallings.

  9. Computers, tools for an information age, 8th ed. H.L. Captron, Addison Wesley, 2003

4. Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals

Mechanics and Strength of Materials: Concept of Stress and Strain, bending, torsion, geometric properties of areas, principal stresses, Tensile testing, StressStrain curve, Difference between Engineering and True stress & Strain, Shear Stress & Strain, Concept of elastic and plastic deformation, Yield & ultimate Tensile strengths, Elongation, Toughness and Resilience, Ductility and Malleability, Hardness Testing, Brinell and Rock well Hardness test, bending

Fluid Mechanics; Properties and basics of fluid mechanics, loss of head, power transformation by fluids, pumps, turbines. Fluid static‟s, Fluid dynamics,

Types of flow: Turbulent and Laminar, Reynold‟s number.

Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer. (Basics of thermodynamics, properties of fluids and steam, steam turbines, power plants. First and second Laws of Thermodynamics, Enthalpy, Entropy, Heat Capacity, Carnot cycle, Gibbs free
energy, Equilibrium, PV – diagrams, Refrigeration and Air conditioning, principle and models of heat transfer, Evaporators, Condensers, Heat engines, Engines (2 and 4 strokes ).

Manufacturing: Different manufacturing processes like Casting, Forging, Machining, Rolling, Extrusion, Wire-drawing, welding, Turning(lathe), Milling, Shaping, Gear cutting, Drilling, Fitting.


  1. Schaum Outline Series; Strength of Materials by Williym A. Nash 3rd Ed 1994,
    McGraw Hill Edition.

  2. Fluid Mechanics by Lewitt

  3. Fluid Mechanics by Daugherity

  4. Engineering Mechanics (Statics) by J.L. Merriems.

  5. Engineering Mechanics (synamics)by J.L. Merriems

  6. Strength of Materials by Singer for Mechanics of Materials

  7. Testing of metals by Fazal Karim

  8. Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials by Kalpakgjian

5. Materials Engineering:

Introduction to Materials; Types of Materials. Structure of an atom, Metallic bonding, Crystal Structures and geometry,

Metallic Materials: Mechanical properties of Metals and alloys, Ferrous and nonferrous metals & alloys, Applications of Different metals and alloys in industry

Polymeric and Ceramic Materials: Polymerization, General purpose and Engineering thermo-plastics, thermosetting plastics, Rubbers.

Traditional and engineering ceramics, Processing of ceramics, Electrical properties of ceramics, Mechanical properties of ceramics, Thermal properties of ceramics, Glasses.


  1. Principles of Materials Science and Engineering by William F. Smith

2 Introduction to Physical Metallurgy by Sydney H. Avner

6. Civil Engineering Fundamentals:

Structures; stress, strain, shearing force and bending moment concepts, beams, columns, footing. Simply supported and Cantilever beams, Pulleys and gears.

Transportation Engineering: Introduction, highway administration, scheme preparation, traffic appraisal, environmental appraisal, highway geometry, drainage, lighting, signing, communications and safety, roads and traffic in urban areas, highway maintenance, low cost roads in developing countries.

Environmental Engineering: Environmental impacts on water resources projects, transportation engineering projects, waste water treatment and management, water supply and distribution.

Fundamentals of Hydraulic Engineering: Properties of fluid mechanics, pressure measuring devices, flow measuring devices, losses in pipelines, open channels, barrages and dams.


  1. Properties of Concrete by A.M. Neville.

  2. Plain and reinforced concrete by Nilson.

  3. Strength of material by Andrew Pytel and Singer.

  4. Transportation Engineering, Planning and design by Paul Wright.

  5. Civil Engineer’s Reference Book by LS Blake 4th Ed.

  6. Surveying and Leveling by T.P Kanetaker.

  7. Public Health Engineering by STEEL.

  8. Fluid mechanics with engineering applications, 10th Ed by Finnemore/Franzini.
