Psychology, Paper I
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt FVE questions in all, including QUESTION NO, 8 which is COMPULSORY. ALL QUESTIONS CARRY equal MARKS.
1 Explain symbolic Racism and Poison-Centered Racism. Give a comparative account of Allport’s theory of Prejudice and Jon’e theory of Racism.
2 Discuss how do Group Polarization, Social learning, Stress influence, Group Dynamics.
3 Discuss major function of Reinforcement in Learning theories in the Connectionist tradition.
4 “One cannot guarantee generalizability simply by providing an experiment that has a high degree of mundane realism”. Comment with evidence.
5 Explain various theories about how human perception develops.
6 Describe Biological needs as a Homeostatic in nature and their effects on social behaviour
7 Describe Psychoanalytical and Social Psychological theories regarding socialization process of children with special reference to aggression.
8 Select correct answer out of the given 3 choices for each of the following questions:
(i) A process by which a series of conditioned stimuli may, in turn, serve as substitute for the original conditioned stimulus and themselves produce the response is: (a) Extinction trial (b) non-functional responding stimuli (c) higher-order conditioning
(ii) The neurons that respond selectivity are: (a) feature analyzers, (b) autocratic (c) cortical cells.
(iii) A leader who does not give orders or suggestions unless he is instructed is: (a) democratic (b) unfold selectivity; (c) Laissez-faire
(iv) Non-experimental method in which administration of the treatment is controlled but subjects cannot be assigned to conditions at random: (a) factorial design (b) systematic error (c) quasi-experiment
(v) Mr. B reproduces a picture of an animal in such a way that reproduction looks more like a familiar object than the original did: (a) Broca’s law (b) delusion(c) assimilation
(vi) A scale which is characterized by nominal, original and absolute zero is called: (a) Reactance scale (b) Recidivism technique (c) Ratio scale
(vii) Mr. Y believes in one thing but acts contrary to that belief. This behaviour is: (a) Dissonance (b) Consonance (c) Neutral
(viii) Bogus pipeline and impression management experiment regarding Festinger’s theory of attitude were conducted by: (a) Tedeschi, 1981 (b) Festinger, 1971 (c) Allport, 1984
(ix) Personality characterized by an extremely competitive highly intense, and impatient nature is: (a) Type A personality (b) Type B personality (c) Peripheral personality
(x) Person who is able to retain information that learned first is due to: (a) response set (b) primacy effect (c) heuristic information processing