Psychology CSS Paper I 2004

Psychology, Paper I

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt Five questions in all, including question No. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Describe the aims and methods of Structuralism and Functionalism.

  1. Name and define the three major subdivisions of Brain and describe their functions.

  2. Compare and contrast the principles of Operant and Classical conditioning and describe the impact of classical conditioning on everyday life.

  3. How attitudes are formed? Discuss the role of learning and direct experience in formation of attitudes.

  4. Critically evaluate the theories of emotions.

  5. Define Personality. Discuss in detail different type of personality tests.

  6. Define perceptual constancy. Explain the influences that allow us to perceive constant size, shape and brightness.

8. Write only the correct answer in your Answer Book. Don’t reproduce the questions.

1) The peripheral nervous system is made up of:
(a) Axons and dendrites (b) The brain and the spinal cord (c) The autonomic and somatic nervous systems (d) The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
(e) None of these

2) The adrenal hormones which also appear to function as neurotransmitters in the brain are:
(a) Dopamine and serotonin (b) Progesterone and testosterone (c) Epinephrine and nor epinephrine (d) Insulin and toblerone
(e) None of these

3) The detection of physical energy emitted or reflected by physical objects: it occurs when energy in the external environment or the body stimulates receptors in the sense organs:
(a) Cognition (b) Sensation (c) Perception (d) Adaptation
(e) None of these

4) Which of the following is a dimension of visual experience?
(a) Loudness (b) Pitch (c) Timbre (d) Brightness (e) None of these

5) All human senses evolved for the same purpose to:
(a) Increase our ability to enjoy the environment (b) Make up more aware our feelings and internal state (c) Provide information that could improve our ability to communicate (d) Help us survive (e) None of these

6) The fovea and blind spot are both features of the:
(a) Cornea (b) Lens (c) Retina (d) Pupil (e) None of these

7) Which of the following is the best example of a primary reinforcing?
(a) Food (b) Money (c) Pay check (d) New clothes (e) None of these

8) Which of the following could be attributed to Tolman’s research?
(a) Discovery of the law of effect (b) The concept of cognitive map (c) The negative effect of punishment (d) The role of classical conditioning in the formation of phobic disorders (e) None of these

9) Which of the following factors influence the impact of interference on learning?
(a) The nature of the material being learned (b) The organization and meaningfulness of the information learned (c) The type of activity that flows studying (d) All of the above (e) None of these

10) Which of the following psychologists developed the need/drive theory of emotion?
(a) Clark Hull (b) Abraham Maslow (c) Robert Plutchik (d) Water Cannon (e) None of these

11) Which of the following orders of Maslow’s hierarchy of need is correct?
(a) Safety, physiological, belongingness, self-actualization, esteem (b) Belongingness, esteem, safety, physiological, self-actualization (c) Physiological, belongingness, safety, esteem, self-actualization (d) Physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, self-actualization (e) None of these

12) Central traits:
(a) Were suggested by a behaviorist to explain behavior (b) Organize and control behavior across many situations (c) Are more situations specific than they are secondary traits (d) Are seen in growth-oriented individuals (e) None of these

13) Norms are influenced by:
(a) The surrounding culture (b) The surrounding sub-culture (c) The context of the situation (d) All of the above (e) None of these

14) Discrepancies between attitudes lead to:
(a) Prejudice (b) Cognitive dissonance (c) The fundamental attribution error (d) Relative deprivation (e) None of these

15) Many of the neo Freudians have modified Freud’s original theory of personality to give more emphasis to:
(a) Childhood sexuality (b) Social and cultural factors (c) Differences between the sexes (d) Unconscious forces (e) None of these

16) Motivation is defined as inferred process within a person that causes organism to move toward:
(a) A goal (b) All other organisms (c) A homeostatic state (d) Higher kevels in the hierarchy of needs (e) None of these

17) In which motivational conflicts are must chosen by “the lesser of two evils”
(a) Approach-Approach (b) Approach-Avoidance (c) Avoidance-Avoidance (d) Multiple approach-avoidance (e) None of these

18) Which of the following identified universal symbolic images that appear in myths, art, dreams, and other expressions of the collective unconscious?
(a) Freud (b) Adler (c) Jung (d) Horney (e) All of these

19) Raymond B Cattel advanced the study of personality traits by using a statistical method called:
(a) Locus of control (b) Identification (c) Factor analysis (d) Phrenology (e) None of these

20) Perfection is a problem that is most associated with the:
(a) Id (b) Ego (c) Superego (d) Ego and superego (e) None of these
