Psychology CSS Paper I 2008

Part-I (MCQ)

Q-1 Select the best option and fill in the appropriate box on the answer sheet.

i- The three basic components of prejudice are Effective:
(a) Internal and External (b) Real and Imagined (c) Descriptive and Prescriptive (d) Cognitive and Behavioral (e) None of these

ii- Which of the following is an example of extrinsic motivation?
(a) Doing a good job becuase of the sense of satisfaction when you are finished (b) Doing a good job in order to get a pay raise (c) Working hard because of the pride you take in your work (d) Doing a good job because you enjoy your work (e) None of these

iii- Sources of frustration include:
(a) Environmental lacks (b) Environmental obstacles (c) incompatible motives (d) All of these (e) None of these

iv- Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of perception?
(a) Perception is an active process (b) Perception is a highly selective process (c) Perception is unaffected by motivation (d) Perception is so automatic that we are not aware of it (e) None of these

v- The first task in psychology is to carefully observe and objectively describe:
(a) Animals (b) Behaviour (c) Social Institution (d) Symptoms of abnormality (e) None if these

vi- Homeostasis is maintained by the _____ which also plays an important role in emotions:
(a) Hypothalamus (b) Thalamus (c) Limbic System (d) Reticular Activating System (e) None of these

vii- Some of the fibers from each eye cross over to the opposite brain hemisphere at the:
(a) Optic Chaisma (b) Optic Nerve (c) Blind Spot (d) Fovea (e) None of these

viii-Which one of the following is not a dimension of the auditory experience?
(a) Loudness (b) Pitch (c) Saturation (d) Timbre (e) None of these

ix- The best studied perceptual constancies include:
(a) Birghtness, focus, angle (b) Shape,location, size (c) Colour, texture, content (d) Size, age, weight (e) None

x- Behaviour according to Operant conditioning theory is controlled by:
(a) Its consequences (b) Free will (c) Knowledge (d) Instinct (e) None of these

xi- Experts generally agree that the primary emotions include:
(a) Fear, Anger and Joy (b) Disgust, anger and shame (c) Love, joy and sadness (d) Fear, anger and hatred (e) None of these

xii- According to Freud, most of the things, we do, think and feel are caused by:
(a) Conditioned response to our surroudings (b) Unconscious forces of which we are not aware (c) A strong desire to grow and develop (d) The beliefs and ideas we have about the world

xiii- One of the factors Alfred Adler believed to be important in shaping personality is:
(a) Difficulty with toilet training (b) Birth order in the family (c) Unconditional positive regard (d) The collective unconscious (e) None of these

xiv- Which of the following orders of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is correct:
(a) Safety, physiological, belongingness, self actualization, esteem (b) Belongingness,esteem, physiological,safety, self actualization (c) Physiological,belongingness,safety,esteem, self actualization (d) Physiological,safety,belongingness,esteem,self actualization (e) None of these

xv- The statement that psychology is empirical means:
(a) Psychology is different from other sciences (b) The methods of psychology are based on controlled experiments and on observations made with great precision and objectivity (c) Scientific psychology originated in greek and roman ages (d) Psychological principles are based on consensus of scientists (e) None of these

xvi- Many of the Neo-Freudians have modified Freud’s original theory of personality to give more emphasis to:
(a) Child sexuality (b) Social and cultural factors (c) Difference between sexes (d) Unconscious forces (e) None of these

xvii- Norms can be best defined as:
(a) Standards and expectations shared by members of a society (b) rules of law (c) Statistically normal behaviour (d) Universal rules of conduct (e) None of these

xviii- The kind of conflict experienced by a student who simultaneously wants to watch a late night movie on television and get a good night’s sleep is best described as:
(a) Approach-avoidance (b) Double approach-avoidance (c) Approach-Approach (d) Avoidance-Avoidance (e) None of these

xix- Axon and dendrites are part of a:
(a) Myelin Sheath (b) Cell body (c) Neuron (d) Node (e) None of these

xx- Motion pictures are based on:
(a) The gamma phenomenon (b) The principle of illusionary circle (c) The autokinetic illusion (d) Stroboscopic vision (e) None of these


Q-2 What are the major approaches or perspectives in modern psychology?

Q-3 Identify and describe the major structures and functions of hind brain, mid brain and fore brain.

Q-4 Explain how a person’s needs, beliefs, emotions and expectations can influence his or her perceptions?

Q-5 Differentiate between motivation and emotions. Critically evaluate different theories of emotions

Q-6 Describe the process of classical conditioning and recognize the principles in real life situations.

Q-7 Define attitude. Discuss the relationship between attitude and behaviour.

Q-8 Write short notes on any two of the following:

(a) Personality Tests (b) Socialization (c) Reinforcement (d) Endocrine System