Psychology CSS Paper I 2009

Q2: Define psychology and describe in brief about various schools of psychology

Q3: Describe the development of Nervous System with special refrence on the central nervous system

Q4: Introduce the various theories of learning and Explain the concepts of classical conditioning.

Q5: Describe the nature of Emotions in reflection to different approaches for understanding Emotions.

Q6: List the various theories of personality and write about the best one in detail.

Q7: Write down the components that comprise attitudes, specially in reflection to the cognitive and affective reactions to social Events.

Q8 Write short notes on ANY FOUR of the following :

  1. trends in psychology 2. peripheral nervous system 3. brain 4. transfer and interference 5. maslow, theory of motivation 6. emotions and characters 7. frustration and conflict 8. defence mechanism


Select the best option\answer and fill in the appropriate box on the answer sheet

  1. In psychology, case studies are used to :
    a. draw conclusions , about individual behavior on the basis of group finding
    b. draw general conclusions about behaviour of the client
    c. assess heretibility of individual
    d. show importance of case studies.
    e. None of these

  2. psychology is concenered with the study of :
    a. how group exchange resources
    b. overt behavior only
    c. mind and behavior
    d. how aggregate behavior is specified
    e. none of these

  3. an independent variable is
    a. the only variable of interest
    b. a variable that is independently verified
    c. a variable whose value depends on dependent variable
    d. the variable that is manipulated by experimenter
    e. none of these

  4. introspection is :
    a. a scientific method used to study dreams
    b. a psychotherapeutic technique where the patient gives a running account of internal dialogues
    c. a process used to uncover symbolic representation in dream
    d. the analysis of the content of our own thoughts.
    e. None of these

  5. The law of effect states that :
    a. close temporal contiguity is the key characteristic in forming an association between stimulus and response.
    b. A response will be strengthened if the organism is rewarded for that response
    c. effect is strong if the effect is long lasting.
    d. Response generalize across similar surroundings.
    e. None of these

  6. structuralism and functionalism are similar in that both :
    a. emphasize the analysis of mental structures to explain behavior
    b. emphasize the fluid, personal nature of consciousness.
    c. Regard psychology as the science of conscious experience.
    d. Emphasize the observation of behavior rather than consciousness.
    e. None of these.

  7. the school of psychology that argues that nearly all behaviour is a result of conditioning and that the environment shapes behavior is labeled
    a. getalt, wertheimer
    b. psychoanalytic, freud
    c. behaviorism, tichner
    d. behaviorism, Watson
    e. none of these

  8. chemical which are produced in the brain, and facilitate communication between nerve cells are called:
    a. neurotransmitter
    b. plasmas
    c. syntactic structures
    d. adrenocorticoids
    e. none of these

  9. psychologists , who typically apply psychological principles to diagnose and treat emotional problems , including illness and marital and family conflict are in the subfield called :
    a. biological
    b. clinical and counseling
    c. social and personality
    d. school and educational
    e. none of these

  10. the first step in any research project is generating a:
    a. theory
    b. experiment
    c. hypothesis
    d. proposition
    e. none of these

  11. the discipline that deals with sampling data from a population and then drawing inferences about the population from the sample is :
    a. hypothesis testing
    b. statistics
    c. multivariate experimentation
    d. independent sampling
    e. none of these

  12. when two variables are correlated , variation in one ?
    a. may possibly cause variation in the other.
    b. Can only be inferred with social validation
    c. Can be cause of variation in the other only if the correction is positive.
    d. Always suggests a causal relationship with the other.
    e. None of these.

  13. in the early stages of research , the most efficient way of making progress toward explaining phenomenon is to :
    a. videotape
    b. precisely measure
    c. survey
    d. observe
    e. none of these

  14. a scholarly summary of a body of research on some topic is called
    a. case history
    b. literature review
    c. meta-analysis
    d. theory
    e. none of these

  15. the principle governing the ethical treatment of human participants in research essentially states that the hazards anticipated in the research project should be not grater than those encountered in the daily activities.
    a. informed consent
    b. right to privacy
    c. minimal risk
    d. informed participants
    e. none of these

  16. S-R psychology is an approach associated with the perspective :
    a. behavioral
    b. psychoanalytic
    c. cognitive
    d. subjectivst
    e. none of these

  17. psychologists whoa re interests in the perception of motion, part-whole relationship and in how people judge size were identified with what shool of psychology?
    a. psychoanalytic
    b. gestalt
    c. behavioral
    d. structural
    e. none of these

  18. the center of freud’s theory is the thoughts, attitudes, impulses , wished and motivations of which we are unaware:
    a. conditioning concept
    b. unconsciousness
    c. biological motivation proposition
    d. multivariate construct
    e. none of these

  19. relating overt behavior to electrical anc chemical events taking place inside the body is characteristic of which contemporary perspective?
    a. behavioral
    b. subjectivist
    c. biological
    d. cognitive
    e. none of these

  20. the subjetivist perspective in psychology:
    a. is most like cognitive one
    b. is generally not influenced by cultural and emotional variables
    c. has been most pervasive
    d. all of these
    e. none of these
