Psychology CSS Paper II 2002

Psychology, Paper II

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt Five questions in all, including question No. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Discuss the growth, maturation and learning is considered important to our understanding of human development.
2. Compare and contrast Longitudinal and cross sectional methods, identifying the advantages and limitation s of each.
3. What is chromosomal abnormality? Discuss the cause and consequences of chromosomal abnormalities for later development.
4. Describe Piaget’s view of the cognitive development process, and define the roles of schemes, assimilation and equilibrium in the process.
5. What are the different sources of information in clinical diagnosis? Why training and official permission is essential for a practicing psychotherapist?
6. Compare and contrast the Rationale Emotive theory of Ellis and Cognitive theory of Beck.
7. Give a critical appraisal of biological and sociological factors contributing to maladjustment of youth and crime in our society.


  1. Write only the correct answers in the answer book. Don’t reproduce the questions.
    1) What are the problems associated with low birth weight?
    (a) Susceptibility to infection (b) Difficulty in maintaining body temperature (c) Susceptibility to infection (d) Difficulty with breathing, sucking swallowing and digestion (e) None of the (a) (b) and (c)

2) According to Piaget, the major accomplishment of the sensorimotor stage is:
(a) Abstract thinking (b) Egocentrism (c) Centration (d) Object permanence (e) None of these

3) During the stage of concrete operations children:
(a) Understand the concept of reversibility (b) Do not yet understand the concept of conversation (c) Are able to solve abstract problems (d) None of these

4) Studies show that an “authoritarian family” tends to produce an adolescent who is:
(a) Dependent and obedient (b) Self-reliant (c) Independent but deserved (d) Surface-complaint but rebellious underneath

5) Child-rearing methods in Pakistan:
(a) Differ little from those in other countries (b) Differ from one social class to another (c) Have changed very little over the past fifty years (d) Are now pretty much the same from one social class to the next

6) According to Erickson’s theory, the struggle during adolescence is:
(a) Intimacy versus isolation (b) Initiative versus role confusion (c) Competence versus inferiority

7) A major defining characteristic of personality disorder is that they:
(a) Are psychological, more from society’s view than from that of the person’s who have them (b) Reflect a lack of contrast with reality (c) Are comparatively easy to treat (d) Are frequently relative, i.e. short term responses to stress

8) The behavioral interpretation of depression relates it to “learned happiness.” The most obvious symptom of this condition is:
(a) Passivity (b) Increased appetite (c) Excessive-aggressiveness when threatened (d) An increase in random maladaptive behavior

9) Behavior therapists believe that insight is:
(a) A worthwhile goal (b) Non sufficient for behavior change (c) Not necessary for behavior change (d) All of these

10) The suggested cause of abnormal behavior from the cognitive perspective is:
(a) Faulty learning (b) Early childhood experiences (c) Unconscious unresolved conflicts (d) Faulty thinking

11) The most frequently occurring major psychological disorder is:
(a) Phobias (b) Schizophrenia (c) Depression (d) Bipolar disorder

12) Person-centered therapy is best described as:
(a) Confrontive (b) Structured (c) Nondirective (d) Objective

13) Systematic desensitization is used in treatment of:
(a) Schizophrenia (b) Mood disorders (c) Phobias (d) Somatoform disorders

14) Guilford’s structure of intellect model of intelligence is notable because:
(a) It separate operations from content and product (b) It rejects the idea of gender feature (c) It yields 180 unique intellectual factors (d) All of these

15) The most important criterion of whether an individual should be considered retarded is that individual’s:
(a) Social competence (b) Mental age (c) IQ (d) Ability to learn to speak

16) Improved job satisfaction result in—-in work performance and—– in turnover:
(a) Decrease: decrease (b) Increase: no change (c) Increase: increase (d) No change: decrease

17) Some employers allow their employees to create their own sceduals within set parameters. This is called:
(a) Job sharing (b) Job enrichment (c) Time sharing (d) Flextime

18) All of the following are some of the major sources of work stress EXCEPT:
(a) Little control (b) Shift work (c) High decision latitude (d) Discrimination

19) Bonuses, recognition awards, praise and time off improve motivation through the application of:
(a) Performance appraisal (b) Benefits (c) Reinforcement (d) Objective criteria

20) The Binet-Simon scale was adapted for American use by:
(a) Thurston (b) Terman (c) Wechsler (d) Binet
